
Discussion in 'True Confessions' started by Brand New Soul, Aug 22, 2005.

  1. Brand New Soul

    Brand New Soul Senior Member

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    Hey I was just wondering if I could get some Opinions on what I should do.

    I was dating this guy for a while, and I really liked him. But he asked me if I loved him and I said I really like you but I'm not sure I love you. Love is a big thing and well its tough for me at least to love someone. And he told me he was going to kill him self so I called him and told him not to and I was balling my eyes out cause I really did like him and I didn't want him to kill him self. ( my eyes hurt so much the next day they felt like they where going to fall out of my head) So I talked him out of it and I told him I couldn't be with him anymore, but we could be friends and he could call me if he ever need help.

    Well I thought I was over him, but he called me and told me he was sorry and that he still liked me and he really misses me. But I thought that was all games. And then today I saw him at the park and we talked and I relized I missed talking to him, and he was staring at me while he was off with his buddies. And as I was leaving the park he said good-bye danielle (my bestest pal) and he said good-bye Shannon I love you.

    Wich made me think, do I still have feelings for him? Do I love him? Or is he just playing games with me?
    please let me know what you think its driving me nuts. Am I stupid for wanting him? Or is he just playing games?
  2. PurpleGel

    PurpleGel Senior Member

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    truth will come in the absence of thought.

    on the other hand, i have no respect for people who threaten other people with their own life.
  3. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    i agree but on the other hand love is confusing sat that age & if he loves you & didnt feel that you loved him hed be desperate to try to "make" you love him..its not the right way to do it but at that age alot of people dont know other ways to deal with theyre feelings or better ways to react..if there are real feelings, before you acyt oin them you need to discus that..explain why 1 your not ready to say that & cant be expected to till your ready & 2 by doing that it wasnt fair, & instead of making u want to love him had the opposite affect of driving u away
    talk it over & dont rush back into things
  4. Xac

    Xac Visitor

    His suicidal 'threat' indicates that he is either depressed or selfish either way it's not healthy for you, so don't put up with that sort of behaviour on the other hand sounds like you are very smitten with this boy and he seems to like you alot.
  5. Ranger

    Ranger Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    As one of the folk to staff what may well have been the first Suicide Hotline at the Haight Ashbury Switchboard in the '60s my first reaction was 'emotional blackmail' a term we used for a suicide threat in those circumstances. This is not a healthy relationship for you because if you go back with him it will only be worse next time. He needs help from a pro not the object of his obcession.

    Good Luck & Hugs
  6. Brand New Soul

    Brand New Soul Senior Member

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    Thanks everybody :)
  7. TheLittleOne

    TheLittleOne Senior Member

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    love is confusing when you're young. i don't think you'll have a real "love" until you mature and learn a lot more.

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