
Discussion in 'Mental Health' started by John Henry II, Sep 25, 2014.

  1. John Henry II

    John Henry II Members

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    I have been struggling ever since I got out of high school. I think every day about what I really want to do with my life but never really decide anything. Considering life is short, I really want to make something that means a lot to me with the time I have here but every time I start doing anything, I jump right into a conclusion that it's not going to be worth it because I'll eventually get tired of it by doing it every day. I love music, art, science and the list goes on but I don't really see myself doing any of these things for the rest of my life. I just don't want to end up with an extremely boring life and start doing stupid things again. Anyone here has had a similar issue as mine? I'd really appreciate some guidance.
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  2. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    sort of
    kind of
    all of the above

    multi faceted people can have it tough sometimes.......and many of us are multi faceted.
    Is your passion with anything out of the things you mentioned?
    Do you have to do any of a driven person?

    Art is where I am...makes me can do art anywhere......anytime......and never get bored of it.....I can create something beautiful, even if life seems all ugly everywhere at times......and in this I find my solace and passion.

    Does anything do that for you?
    Maybe you just need more time to explore your hidden talents and abilities and passion.
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  3. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Oh, and I like your avatar.
  4. John Henry II

    John Henry II Members

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    Where I live I am constanty reminded that I need to do something. Social pressure of doing something and being "someone" is more important rather than finding myself, understanding and finally do. I do enjoy art while it's something that I have been appreciating and not doing, but recently I picked up brushes, colors and papers and started doing whatever seems to fit the moment but I'm worried that it might be something temporary as everything that I have quit so far has been. Music is also one of the things I appreciate but never got to tackle intensely. I strum my guitar once in a while, sing something when I feel like it too.

    There's acting too. I once acted in a school play back in 2007 and I really loved every bit of it but I've changed a lot since then and I've become an extremely shy person that can't even look someone straight in the eyes, so the "want" for acting is slowly fading because I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it.

    And thanks, the avatar is a drawing a friend and I made a few weeks ago :)
  5. Treath

    Treath Member

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    I totally know how you feel. I could of written those words, John Henry.

    I also currently am not following any particular path in life, while other people out there know what to do and commit themselves to it.

    I think one day something will nudge us into fulfilling our life purpose, don't sweat it.

    Don't let others decide what you should do.
  6. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    So many paths to choose from.....or better yet, forge your own.
  7. broony

    broony Banned

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    Start your day with this. Not the start of your post. Choose how you start and wake up..

    I struggle with the same shit. Its hard and doesn't seem to ever end...

    Though you do need to take a class of something to give you more confidence. You might need a class, or a walk in the park. Point is, only you can give yourself that....

    I think a lot of people who have posted in this part of the forum over the years lack confidence. In some form or another. You have got to have confidence in your damn life, everyday, every second. When you do so much bullshit gets easier. It won't make Life easier though, its a principle.

    If you think your life is boring. Buy a pair of running shoes and fucking run. Not joking. Very few can run. Test yourself in someway.

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  8. Just_a_woman

    Just_a_woman Member

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    Life doesn't have to be boring. Boring people live boring lives. You can do different things. Work doesn't have to be your whole life.

    I manage to work on something I like, plus have many, many hobbies. Even about work, it doesn't have to be the same thing your whole life. Whenever I think I'd be happier doing something else, I change jobs. I've done so many different things!

    Whatever I've done, you can do better, because the world offers more possibilities now, then what it did to my generation.

    It's really your oyster! Go taste, experience, dare to change when something isn't good for you anymore. Should you make a career choice you'd regret one day, change! It is possible.
  9. aesthetic

    aesthetic Z

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    Have you ever went for a walk?

    It doesn't matter where you go or what turn you take, just so long as you know where home is; you will never get lost.
  10. John Henry II

    John Henry II Members

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    Thank you all for your kind responses. I've gone out a few times these days and it really helps. It's not a huge step, but I'm feeling a little better. I went to my country's capital city with a couple of friends and admired everything my eyes could see and cherished every moment. Buildings, green areas, where we walked, people walking by with their loved ones, improv musicians, etc. At night, I stopped for a moment on my way home and looked up and saw an overwhelming amount of bright stars that made me feel how everything, being small or huge, matters and it's just that extra step I have to take to make things happen if I want them. None of these things that had happened recently would've happened if I, instead of just wishing for it, went ahead and got it done. I had an amazing time this weekend and it gave me a few great ideas to put into whatever I'm going to paint next so I'm really excited for that too :)

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