Hello all, I recently started having sexual contact with my girlfriend. Both of us are Virgins (we have not had intercourse). I never received a very clear instruction of STD's while in school, so I'm a little confused about the entire concept of them APPEARING. I know what STD's are, but I am confused as to how one "gets" STD's if they only have had sexual contact with an individual who also never had sexual contact with anybody else. Thanks all.
A Sexually Transmitted Disease is spread through sexual contact. If you haven't had any with anyone and she hasn't...then I'd say neither of you could have one.
Asking a bunch of random strangers on the internet for such advice is really quite silly, you will receive much misinformation. Take yourself and your girlfriend to your public health centre, there knowledgeable people can provide proper health interventions such as education and prevention.
PS: Your girlfriend is lying to you, to protect your ego Its probably at least one other guy with a penis at least 1 inch and four decimal places bigger than yours
Let me try to be delicate. The chance of one catching an STD from a partner who has never had sex is lower than the chance that that partner would lie about their previous sexual experience. Everybody lies about sex. Your girl may be the exemption, but do you want to bet your sexual health on it. Also, intercourse is not the only kind of contact that spreads STDs. Oral sex, rubbing genitalia against one another without penetration are just two ways that an STD can be spread while one remains a virgin. (Plus the infamous "he only put it in 1/2 inch, it doesn't count")
You've heard about the immaculate conception, right? Well, there's also such a thing as immaculate infection. Don't listen to the goofs here. Believe your girlfriend.
You get STDs from people who have them. If you are monogamous with your girl and you both are clean, then you won't get any.
It depends on the disease, viral or bacterial. The most common viral STD is HPV (there are over 40 types). You contracted through vaginal, anal, or oral, and even skin to skin. The worst part about HPV is that it can lead to cancer. Best thing about HPV if you're young is you can just get vaccinated and avoid it entirely. Both of you should definitely get vaccinated for HPV. Common bacterial STDs like chlamydia and gonorrhea spread mostly through sex/anal sex. Both can be treated with anitbiotics. More good info at these sites: Web MD STD Article Mayo Clinic STD Article