I had something very strange happen to me and was wondering if anyone else has ever experienced something similar?? So to start things off it was new years eve and i was in milwaukee seeing adventure club. i had gotten there empty handed so i began to start asking around and ended up meeting a guy who said he had LSD. i bought 2 and instantly after putting them in my mouth realized that they were a research chemical. It was new years eve after all and i had just spent $20 on them so i figured ide just go with it. The come up was typical but when i began to peak i was very seriously losing touch with reality, visually i was seeing what seemed like 4 dimensions and this lead to me losing my sense of balance. I was unable to light a cigarette and could not make out anyone's face because they were switching from absolutely beautiful to hideous in a fairly rapid succession. I met up with my friends and was fighting to stand up. At that point I realized that i was completely lost in my environment and was very disorientated. I remember one of my friends saying to me that i got a bad batch of LSD and i had no recollection of what that was at all. I had no concept of time, numbers, words, memories or space and was very confused. I would speak and everything i said seemed to make no sense at all although i was sure i was speaking correctly. The words i spoke seemed to just evaporate into meaninglessness. Although on the outside i must have been a wreck (which i base upon the fearful looks on my friends faces) I felt as though i was on the other side of reality, everything was so clear inwardly but foreign outwardly. It was in no way an out of body experience because i was still behind my eyes if that makes sense. I was not aware that i was in this new state of consciousness (i am no beginner to psychedelics and have had deep experiences before but this was nothing like the average trip.) and was convinced that i was functioning (later i was told that people had to support my whole weight to stand.) Later i came back to regular tripping and to this day have had no idea what happened to me. I was told maybe ego death but i have read up on that and it was much bigger than that. My best way of describing it with a title would be reality death. I would love to hear of similar experiences or if there's a name for what happened so i can learn more and not be so confused about it. The help would be greatly appreciated. And just to end this whole thing on a safety note. Dosages will vary. :alien:
Sounds like it could have been 25b-nbome, tho that's just speculation, it could have been anything. I had a couple really crazy experiences with it where I literally couldn't walk cuz I couldn't see and was shaking, tempting so bad I thought I was gonna have a seizure. After that last bad incident, I disposed of the rest of it, probably was a mistake...the first few times were fun I just took too much except for the time my at the time gf took some and couldn't handle it, started tripping and bitching over something stupid saying she was gonna leave and started walking down the street then called me telling me she was lost lol
I agree with AceK and suspect an Nbome chemical. These chemicals tend to produce disassociative effects more frequently than LSD and applying medical terms to your experience, it sounds most like derealization.