Communities alive and well

Discussion in 'Communal Living' started by billjones, Dec 24, 2013.

  1. billjones

    billjones Banned

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    D.C.'s ‘intentional communities’ put strangers in a house joined by core valueSure, you’re a typical idealistic Washingtonian who believes you can make a difference. But how seriously do you take your values? Would you be willing to construct your entire home life around them?

    There’s a growing cluster of houses in Washington filled with people who already are.

    Called “intentional communities,” these group homes are occupied by strangers who live together based on core values, such as intergenerational child-rearing, environmental sustainability or the attempt to live out Catholic social teaching.

    They have manifestos on the fridge, nightly house dinners, monthly “feelings and needs” meetings, and commitments to shared decision-making. Is a clothes dryer wasteful? Should non-married couples be allowed as residents? Read More Here
  2. billjones

    billjones Banned

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    An Email we recieved from Lilly, Greetings,
    I regret to tell you that Heartsong Peace Village is no longer up and running... due to a death of the owner of the land.. I would recommend check those folks out.. they seem to be doing good ... they are in North Carolina I believe... Their website will lead you further... love and light and much love to you family.. and hope you find what you are looking for soon.. I am known as MoonWolf on FB. Namaste
  3. billjones

    billjones Banned

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    Shut Up And Grow It Community : The Land

    In 2008, a beautiful piece of property was purchased in north central Tennessee.

    Located at 8967 Galen Rd in Lafayette, TN, is a 21 and a half acre plot of consensus run, leaderless land dubbed "Shut Up and Grow It!" after the rainbow kitchen, Shut Up and Eat It.

    Everyone is welcome as long as they're welcoming. Don't ask us if you can come; it's your land, too. Just show up. The purpose of “The Land” is to be available as a space for families and people to work, prosper together in a flexible environment, engage in projects that include or coincide with sustainable organic farming methods, and most importantly, helping others. We wish to work with all like minded people in an atmosphere of equality which encourages environmental stewardship, low-impact living that is fun but also family friendly, and adheres to a positive ethic that acknowledges the value of our neighbors and our community as a whole.

    We also have a Paypal account set up. Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.:

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