Communications problem

Discussion in 'Mental Health' started by Logan 5, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. Logan 5

    Logan 5 Confessed gynephile Lifetime Supporter

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    I've been having some difficulty dealing with people and I can't seem to understand it.

    Get into a discussion with a woman that has a group (for a type of physical disability), subject not important, and we disagree. I stay calm and polite, yet I get yelled at. I'm being nice, and the woman screams at me.

    She ends the discussion screaming at me that I'm not welcome to her group anymore, but the part that bit is when she tells me that I don't know how to treat people, especially her.

    So I'm left scratching my head over this.

    I was polite, calm, respectful.
    She was yelling, screaming, and insulting.

    I don't get it.
  2. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    Does this happen to you often?
  3. RubySoho6

    RubySoho6 Organized Chaos

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    Maybe it was what you said, not how you said it.
  4. Logan 5

    Logan 5 Confessed gynephile Lifetime Supporter

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    That's what I don't get. Does it happen often? Not really. Only specific people say that, so I tend to think they're full of crap. I have asked for a clarification, but when I do all I'm told is "think about what you said". Let's see, I'm calm, I'm polite, I'm respectful, what the hell do they want? for me to drop & give'em a blow job? Do they realize how difficult it is to maintain a polite form of demeanor when a dickhead is screaming at me? I have been asked if I provoke it, and I'm like "I dunno. Ask them, not me."

    I just don't see it. I am very self-conscious about my conduct, so when a dickhead does that, yeah I am puzzled. I'm polite, they can be, too. I know this as I'm far better off letting them show themselves to be asses than me. Who's the ass? The dickhead that's screaming swear words and insults or the guy that's calm & polite throughout the tirade?
  5. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    People come from different points of reference, and sometimes communication is not easy, as they don't get you...nor you them....and it is no one's communicate clearly is a skill I want to improive on myself, as I don't seem to do it very well, sometimes....

    Feelings can get in the way of exactly communicating with words, too....I think.

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