Communes New England

Discussion in 'Communal Living' started by PurpleMapleTree, May 12, 2004.

  1. PurpleMapleTree

    PurpleMapleTree Member

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    Hi Everyone,
    I was just wondering if any one knew of any communes in New England (new jersey, connecticut, rhode island, massachusetts, new york... possibly new hampshire)
    I'd like to visit one over the summer.. maybe volunteer alittle bit of my time, and check out the scene.. ya know? Any suggestions?
  2. Duncan

    Duncan Senior Member Lifetime Supporter

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    NJ and NY are not part of New England. You might want to visit and see if that helps.
  3. eccofarmer

    eccofarmer Member

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    NAMASTE xxx

    That is a great site.There is one in Rhode Island but i can not remember the name.should not be to hard to find on the site.Herd good things though about the community there.
  4. squawkers7

    squawkers7 radical rebel

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    I leave on the greyhound bus, heading to Plymouth NH, tomorrow. I'll
    check when I get there if there are any communes. It may take me awhile.
    Yes others will tell you to check but everything is not always
    found on the internet.
  5. squawkers7

    squawkers7 radical rebel

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    Just letting everyone know I made it to NH. 3 days on the greyhound bus is long enough to wear a person out. Right now I'm staying at my cousins house. I haven't had time or opportunity to check on any communes in this area.
  6. squawkers7

    squawkers7 radical rebel

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    Found a community living area in Dorchester,NH it cost $15 a week and 26 hours of work to stay there. You can stay for 1 week, 1 month, 1 year or whatever you would like. It's a really cool spot.
  7. eccofarmer

    eccofarmer Member

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    I have seen many community sites and i have to say that blew me away when i went to dacres.I new that in the east coast we had farms around and i have been to afew but that is one of the best so far.I would love to go there and spend some time learning more about the farm.
  8. eccofarmer

    eccofarmer Member

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    Squakers i agree with you that not all communitys are listed with the site or the internet.Some like myself post no sites and is more word of mouth.Nice to see you made it there andkeep us posted on how things are going.
  9. squawkers7

    squawkers7 radical rebel

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    The main house or I guess it is called the community house because it's used by the whole community that lives there looks alot better close up then any picture on their website.
    Hard to believe this place was made in the small town I grew up what a treasure, better then a gold mine.
  10. Huckleberry Finn

    Huckleberry Finn Member

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    Dacres looks nice, but it says that most people leave in the winter. I amagine all the IC's in the north thin out in the winter. Im in Albany now. But im thinking of moving to the Amherst Mass area. Kind place, five schools and lots of coffee shops. Anyone interested in a roomie, house collective thing??
    Peace n' peas
  11. MountainsOfTheMoon

    MountainsOfTheMoon Member

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    STAY AWAY from the Rhode Island branch of the Rainbow. I'm from R.I. and was drawn into the commune "New World Rising" at a young age by the founder whom shall remain nameless. But needless to say he was an old pervert and had rape charges already against him at the time. Money that people mailed to him to help with the NWR cause and the newspaper were used for other purposes and all my friends that once lived there with him have now moved on. It's a messed up situation there, hopefully someone else founds NWR and takes it to it's highest potential...yargans...
  12. eccofarmer

    eccofarmer Member

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    I am glad you Mountainsof the moon posted what you said.I had herd that and did not want to post anything on that area till i learned more.
    I did find out that the new group that is running it has made it clear that now and the future they have no contact with the brother who you metioned.A long road ahead i am sure to go on for them.I am so glad you posted what you had to say.This forum is a great link to share as you did for good and bad.I have sent a few brothers on there way from my farm when it was clear that they being there was not to live in union .That is all i will say on that.
    Lucky there is many good kynd communities out there than bad.I for one want to hear all about a place myself.Shareing what you did was a great help here.I feel so very sad for what you or others like you went threw there or any community.Thank you for posting your veiw and thaughts.

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