coming out as bi

Discussion in 'Coming Out and Confused!' started by cjfc, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. cjfc

    cjfc Member

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    hello am sick of hiding it so yeah i would like to say that i am bisexual an proud to be. however Ive told my friends and there ok with it but my mother is not she keeps saying it a lie but its not what should i do.
  2. cjfc

    cjfc Member

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    well no replies then
  3. Abyssinian

    Abyssinian Member

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    Hmm. I know some people believe that bisexuality is a myth, though I have no idea why. I don't suppose there's anything to do there, you can always try to talk to her again, tell her clearly how you feel, after that I guess you'll just have to wait until you've dated one of each gender and brought them home to meet her! x)
  4. Polydectes

    Polydectes Guest

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    Sorry, I didn't see this post until just now. For what it's worth, give your mother time, one step ata time she will eventually come around if she didn't cut you off.

    Bisexuality is confusing to many people. I don't know why but many people don't get it. There wasa long time I actually thought I was bisexual but reality told me I was gay. I don't doubt people can be bisexual.

    The only time it will ever be anything for her to deal with is should you start dating a man.

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