Coming back to reality

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by LSAndrew, May 25, 2014.

  1. LSAndrew

    LSAndrew Member

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    Yesterday I had my most intense LSD experience to date. Unlike my other trips, I had complete ego loss and felt more like a spiritual entity than a human. About 6 hours after taking the LSD, I began to come down and feel/be more aware of my body. This resulted in me vomiting, which may have been due to my already upset stomach earlier, so I'm not completely sure if that was comedown related. Anyway, around 8-10 hours after the dose, I had a major struggle in handling bodily functions. I had weird sensations throughout my body and was very overwhelmed by my senses such as smell, hunger, temperature, etc. I was wondering if anybody had advice as to have a smoother transition from completely losing themselves back to reality. I'm not really sure if there is a way around this, but it'd be nice to hear any ideas on how to accept going "back into your body".
  2. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    I have never had any physical side effects when coming down from LSD. But you might try some weed to ease the nausea. I am not a fan of it but some people take a Xanax or Valium to calm down.
  3. Mr.Writer

    Mr.Writer Senior Member

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    I feel the issue here is one of being present and mindful. if this is LSD then the body load should not be too crazy and this is psychosomatic. Maybe your body is trying to tell you something? I know I hear lots of things I wish I didn't from my body when I trip.
  4. porkstock41

    porkstock41 Every time across from me...not there!

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    i haven't been overwhelmed by my senses (on the comedown) like you said, but i have kinda just felt "off." like i couldn't do or say anything right.

    sometimes LSD can leave you with a calm, peaceful, afterglow which fans of LSD love to talk about. but sometimes it can leave you feeling pretty frazzled. it can vary a lot for different trips, even on the exact same LSD.
  5. Desos

    Desos Senior Member

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    the answer to most difficult experiences in life can be answered by the phrase -- ride it out.

    give it some time and try to incorporate what you have learned into your life and get used to using your body again.
  6. alex1ftw

    alex1ftw Member

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    Think of it as your body expelling all the evils physically, which you have already expelled mentally
  7. guerillabedlam

    guerillabedlam _|=|-|=|_

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    -Try to meditate, this can often be synergestic in a way but also may calm you down a bit.
    -Go for a walk.
    - If you're like me I'm usually listening to music on the trip a lot, so listening to comedy or philosophical lectures on the comedown can provide a change of pace, perhaps even different music.

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