There comes a time to put up Christmas decorations. I've always done it in previous years, but this year I'm in two minds. Does your place look like Santa's grotto, or is it a Christmas-free zone?
Xmas free zone Josh. But I do forage Holly and other bushes to bring a wee bit winter greenery and berries indoors.
Christmas-free zone. Been so busy with other stuff that I haven't gotten around to decorating yet. Tree's not even up. Maybe this weekend
My parents aren't putting out their lights this year. I'm glad because I dissuade them from climbing around on ladders and the roof. I don't do any decorating at my apartment.
I haven't had a tree in a few years because of the multitude of cats. I finally fashioned a tree on a step ladder. It has cheap bell for ornaments that the cats take off and I put back on, daily. No problem. I wanted them to enjoy it. I always have twinkle lights on the front porch. At Christmas I put up the multicolored ones. That's it.
A bit in between. I put up a tree amd decorated and put a few other decorations here and there. But I dislike clutter so I never go crazy with it I LOVE Christmas though which is weird to me because I was a bit of a scrooge for a long time. But having a child and discovering online shopping has changed me
not much room for seasonal decorating. what i find room to put up tends to stay up all year. nothing against the season, or what i associate with it, which is neither religion nor retailing, but people trying to prove to themselves that they can get along with each other, and finding, much to the surprise of some, that wonder of wonders, they actually can. i really live in a really small space, and none of its outside is really mine either, and its already filled with what i love (along with some things i don't need that just take up space but are part of the place)