i kno most of u have probably seen bowling for columbine...well michael moor (i belive thats his name whatever its the director) is makin a new film FARINHIET 911....and bashes america once again...look for it i cant wait PEACE and LOVE
Michael Moore is awesome! I can't wait to see his new movie, even though i haven't heard about it up till now.
I like that dude.. and in bowling for columbine, he pretty much proved that canada has more self control and isn't as childish as the U.S.
yeah that movie made me want to move to canada. i thought it was pretty good, except i thought it was really corney when he left that picture of the little girl propped up at charlton heston's. some good points though.
I agree pit pat with the picture thing. Has anyone read his book thats out, called like... white men or something? I might pick it up.
I agree with Moore on issues and things, and he is a very clever writer. But I think he does things that make the left look bad. For example, in BFC, that first scene where he went into the bank and walked out with a gun was exaggerated. The real deal was that you applied for a gun at the bank, but you didn't actually get it until they did a background check. He made it seem like they were handing out free guns at the bank. He also dresses like a total slob half the time, and whether you like it or not, looks are important in EVERY society, and the way he dresses and grooms himself makes him look uncredible and "just another one of those crazy liberal fruitcakes." If we want to get respect from the right and the media, we should start promoting highly-educated, highly-respected liberals, like author Gore Vidal (you all should really check him out.) I will see the Fareinhiet movie anyway. Just my two cents. Pax, Kate
I do agree with a lot of the things he says and he makes some good points, but I really hate that cocky, arrogant mother fucker. If he weren't so fat and I were bigger and stronger and he looked at me the wrong way..... why I oughtta.....nuk nuk.....
This new movie Moore has out is banned in the United States it released everywhere but here in the states. I would say he hit the nail on the head and he will soon be murdered by our government . We have a bad thing going here and someone will hopefully be able to stop this Government. Maybe one day we will have as honest government as strong as our militaries are all we do now is bully other countries Because our President killed a bunch of people on 9 11. It is sad the the people of the unidated Styates dont see through this Fucking Waste of human Flesh Bush. All I can say is search for a bootlagged copy of the movie and watch it it tells all The way it is for real. Why else woulkd they not let it sell in the states
Now, I have to strongly disagree with you on your point about the way he dresses. Maybe the way he dresses matters to some, but personnaly, I don't respect the opinion of anyone who's going to judge another person on the way they dress. If what he has to say is intelligent, well thought out, and presented well and in a cretive and interesting light (which I think it is) then he could be wearing a bath towel the whole time, with an empty chicken bucket strapped to his head, and it wouldn't matter. Perhaps society does judge people on thier looks, but that doesn't make it right, and if intelegent people stand up and say that they respect him for what he has to say, and not how he dresses, then perhaps society will change it's mind. After all, if we all did everything according to society's standards, the world would never make any progress, would it? I do however agree with you about people who enjoy michael moore checking out Gore Vidal, he's a brilliant and very well spoken man, I was blessed to hear him speak at an anti war protest, and was absolutley blown away. Also, Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, and Al Franken are well worth reading, especailly Al Franken if you prefer political satire, he's wonderful.
Downsize this Stupid White Men Dude, where's my country? These are all excellent books, you people should definitely read them. Moore's style of writing is so hilarious and witty, even tho he writes about serious issues.
comulmumbine was so sad. i live in CO and at the time was in 3rd grade. i was just a few short miles away from there. i love moore. if america has a freedom of speech , opooin, and media thatn why should farenthight 911 be bannded?????
I have read Stupid White Men (And other sorry excuses for the state of the nation) which I thoroughly enjoyed, I love his style of writing, even if I don't always agree with him. My favourite chapter was the chapter on why men are so stupid. Good stuff. I haven't gotten around to seeing Bowling for Columbine, but it looks crazy good. Farenheit 911 isn't being *banned* outright, but Michael Moore is having a hard time getting it distributed to the theatres. Lindi
I think he is a condescending arrogant prick and I hear that a lot of the things he says in his movies aren't even true. Gotta love making things up to make your side of the story look good.