Tasty little bastards they are... Whenever I hit a brick wall while studying I smoke a colt and walk around the block (either black cherry or cafe... sometimes cream) and when I return I'm refreshed and ready to get back at it. I've been told by a few store clerks that they're going to become illegal sometime in December (I'm not sure if this is for all of Canada or just Ontario) so it looks like I'm going to have to start drinking tea at 3:00AM instead of indulging in this sick and filthy habit of smoking a tasty flavoured cigar. It's for the best anyway...
colts are too young to be smoking cigars. i'm pretty sure they're not any better for horses then they are for humans.
im the opposite...never seen anyone under 40 smoke them one of dads friends had a dog that would chew up and eat the the plastic tips :ack2: