Colour Of Cum

Discussion in 'Masturbation' started by division72, Mar 14, 2016.

  1. division72

    division72 Members

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    I have noticed recently that when I ejaculate, my cum has become a little transparent and has taken on a slight yellowish tinge. I am guessing that this cum also has a little urine in it. In my younger days it was completely white.

    Does colour change over time or should I piss before I masturbate?
  2. canuck9999

    canuck9999 Member Lifetime Supporter

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    I've noticed in the last year or so that my cum has become a little transparent as well, but no yellowish tint.

    I'm 64, I assume it is age related.
  3. Ophion

    Ophion Members

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    If this a long-term trend one possible explanation is that the balance of prostatic vs. seminal vesicle fluid is changing. In brief sperm only make up about 2% of cum, and most of the rest comes from the prostate gland and the seminal vesicles. Fluid from the prostate is a milky white colour and this is presumably responsible for the usual white appearance. By comparison fluid from the seminal vesicles is slightly yellow. If there was to be less fluid from the prostate that would mean less obvious white colour and the yellow tint of the fluid from the seminal vesicles may then become noticeable.

    In your situation I would be tempted to get my prostate checked. There may be nothing wrong but it could be BPH or even prostate cancer.
  4. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    sound some food coloring,,,
  5. Ophion

    Ophion Members

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    I know beetroot juice can turn piss a red/pink colour. I've never noticed any effect on cum though from this or any other food colours.
  6. canuck9999

    canuck9999 Member Lifetime Supporter

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    Actually, there may be some truth to what you are saying, just had a third prostate biopsy yesterday, had one in the spring of 2014 and 2015 as well.

    In both those two cases, one sample out of ten was positive, will get the results from yesterday's on April 5.
  7. PunchDrunkKitten

    PunchDrunkKitten borne on the fm waves of a broken heart

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    It is typical with advanced males that as the production systems for semen, and the protein enzymes (manufactured in the prostate) which give ejaculate its milky gooey white color and consistency prepare to shut down in obsoletion (usually to devote more bio-resources to bladder and other such filteration systems) the color and quantity of ejaculate produced would decrease. Typically all functionality becomes primarily overcome with the ailments and discomfort of age after so long,depending on the lifespan of course.
    A yellow tint could indicate urine particulates not being passed completely through the urethra before ejaculation, this also could be a side effect of deteriorating specimen as precum no matter how minute it had/hadn't been through life was prevelent and an instrumental aspect of natural hygiene. This could however lead to more serious infection if it reaches excess or is not routinely and thuroughly maintained. If you're young and have discolorations in semen, seek medical advice as this may indicate any number of infections, or in some cases, more serious gential illness. Regardless of age, or anything else, if any color beyond yellow appears (reds, greens, browns) seek medical attention immediately!!
  8. jsb

    jsb Member

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    I like my cum slightly transparent with a hint of white just looks better to me than stark white thick toothpaste looking sperm. Just me.

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