
Discussion in 'Spanish' started by Sunflower Sky, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. Sunflower Sky

    Sunflower Sky Member

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    (This might be parts in English and parts in Spanish. I'll do what I can cuz i'm trying to practice.)

    Quiero hacer mucho con mi vida, pero no sé que quiero hacer. Quiero viajar, y hablar en español fluentamente, y estudiar en college. No sé que quiero estudiar. Toda mi familia habla con mi sobre yendo a college, pero ¿como puedo ir si no sé que quiero estudiar?

    I'm a senior in high school and este es mi cuarto año en español. Quiero continuar, but i don't know what to do about this college stuff. I kind of want to study languages and be able to study abroad, but I like a bunch of other stuff at the same time! Why do all the adults have to put pressure on me and freak me out?

    Also, I kinda need help with my spanish. Mostly grammar. If anyone could, please?
  2. hahaha04

    hahaha04 Whatevers Clever

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    do whichever interests you most for a semester and see if you like it. You can always switch Majors and remember going to school and getting a degree in 4 years straight outta highschool is NOT mandatory despite how people will make you feel.

    Another idea is to take a few from each subject you like.......?
  3. Sunflower Sky

    Sunflower Sky Member

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    Sounds good. I'm probably gonna get my mandatory classes out of the way at a community college, so that'll give me time to think.
  4. mokeh

    mokeh Member

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    Don't worry if you do not know what to do with you life. Many people just don't know. Me neither. And well, maybe life is not supposed to be for doing something specific. Just chill and enjoy the travel :)
  5. Lookit!

    Lookit! Member

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    I know this response is a year and a half after the original post, but maybe this will help someone anyway...
    When you start at a 4-year university, or even a 2-year college, there are stepping stones to go through to get to the real meat and potatoes of your major. General requirements, like Composition classes, Art and Humanities classes (your choice of several options), Behavioral Skills, and Science classes, and Mathematics, and 2 semesters of foreign language, generally.
    With 4 years of high school Spanish, you can probably go straight into the last Intermediate class at the college. This saves you a ton of money, by not having to take the Basic 1 and Basic 2, and Intermediate 1 classes. Also, it not only counts for a Spanish class but also as a Humanities credit.
    This is important to note: some classes count for more than one category. You will save a lot of money and time by finding the classes which count as both requirements of your major and the general classes to choose from. I didn't know this when I started, so I took a randomly chosen Humanities class.
    As far as finding what you want to study, the first year in college is good for getting your feet wet, taking the general requirements (which count for all majors, more or less) and gaining interest in new topics.
    So far, I have went from Biological Science/Pre-chiropractic major, to Environmental Science, and then from Spanish as a general requirement to Spanish as a Minor, then Spanish as a double major. I did not have 4 years of Spanish in high school. I started everything from scratch, even the math and science classes I started with were basic. And the best part is the chance to study abroad. Minors, Majors, whatever, get a chance to study in so many places. There are scholarships for that sort of thing. You can go for a week or two; a month or two; a semester or two; your whole educational career; however long. For instance, Christmas or Spring break in Guatemala or Nicaragua will give you a few credits that count toward a minor. For me, four weeks in the summer in Argentina is a 6 credit course of Spanish immersion classes.
    There are lots of different ways to study abroad, too, with any major you choose. You can go to Ireland and study your basic requirement classes. The classes don't have to be language, specifically. And you will be surrounded by native speakers. I could go to Ecuador and study science in the Galapagos, without needing to know Spanish.

    Another thing to mention, too, is that 5 years of college is normal. A fast-track 4-year degree would save some money, but it's no big deal if you have to go an extra year or two. But a person in high-school who has had 4 years of language, and trigonometry and calculus and chemistry, might "test-out" of certain classes, and therefore be saving semester hours for classes that are better spent. ( I had to take basic algebra, then trig, then pre-calc, then calc. If I had already taken high-school calc I could have saved myself at least 3 of those classes, and been further in my program by now. Same as for science; I had to take introduction to chemistry, gen chem 1 and 2, and finally organic. Also, I had to take Basic spanish 1 and 2, and Intermediate 3.) Those together equal about a year and a half of college.
    But you know, long story short, I love every single minute of it. All these classes are interesting, and you won't be making a bad move by just jumping in to college. Worst case scenario is you'll be like me and switching around what you want to do, which isn't so bad.

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