college jobs

Discussion in 'Stoners Lounge' started by Desos, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. Desos

    Desos Senior Member

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    what kind of college jobs has everyone worked?

    right now i have 2 jobs. one is delivery and the other is a front of house position in a restaraunt.

    the delivery position is a little over 5 an hour plus tips, and sometimes i will get to wait tables during lunch on the slow days too for some extra cash. generally after tips the delivery job comes out to about 12-15 an hour. then i have to take out money for gas which usually isn't too bad, like 50 miles a shift, and then i also have to worry about putting so many miles on my car and the possible damage that using my car so much might cause. repairs, etc. the work enviroment is super chill, stoner friendly.

    the other job is a little fancier, and i get 5 an hour plus tipout. all in all i'll make about 15-20 an hour at this job, so the pay is considerably higher, and i don't have to spend money on gas for delivery. but i do regularly get into conflicts and or arguements with waiters over the tipout, since it is not monitored by management i get shorted on tipout alot and there is nothing i can do about it. despite this i'll still go home with a pretty good tipout after i have collected from everyone, atleast 15/hour. also it's hard work, and the restaraunt really has a GREAT customer base, we have some pretty heavy business. it can be hard sometimes, when you work really hard and then someone doesn't tip you out right and you get into a fight with them after you are already tired from working so hard during the shift. so then i'll end up mellowing out and not trying so hard because i'm not going to work hard to help people if they disrespect me like that, then people start to complain i'm not doing enough. it's a clusterfuck. had more stress from the tipout in this job. and for some reason the management seems to just let me get into these all out brawls with people over tip out and just looks the other way. also there is opportunity to potentially get moved up to a waiter, which should yield some pretty big tips, although it hasn't happened yet.

    so are these worthwhile jobs? should i keep them or keep looking? what kind of jobs has everyone else had while they are in college? going to be taking 9-15 hours during most semesters.
  2. hahaha04

    hahaha04 Whatevers Clever

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    Im going to be taking just 12 hours this semester....

    In the past during schooltime i have had various retail jobs, paying anywhere from 7.50-9.00 an hour. Also had internship before paying a bit more than that. The delivery job seems to be a good one as long as your car is relatively new and has no major problems.
  3. nz male

    nz male Senior Member

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    In have had a fare share of job experiences & some were better than others.
    I'm now in a job that I really love & that I have had before in the past elsewhere & I love some of those I work with. They are some of the reasons I enjoy where I work.
  4. hahaha04

    hahaha04 Whatevers Clever

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    oh and keep both jobs until you find something better
  5. Desos

    Desos Senior Member

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    na i have an old car. i've had to spend alot of money on repairs in the last few months, mostly before i started the delivery job. the rack and pinion needed replacing on my car too a little while after i started delivering which was an expensive repair. i'm thinking i will need to stop just to save my car. once fall semester starts i am seriously cutting my hours at the delivery job and keeping the other hours, so i'll only be delivering 7 hours a week, and i'll also be covering tables during that shift. but i could drop the other job and get more hours. i signed up for classes during all of my driving shifts except for 1.

    the second job pisses me off so bad sometimes but when i come home with 100 dollars in a night for 5 hours of work it's hard to quit. there are good nights sometimes, but there isn't nearly the same level of comradery as at my other job.
  6. Popularity

    Popularity Senior Member

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    You get paid very well for someone still in college! I've just worked some retail jobs for 7.25-9.00 but I'm done with that. I start working at a warehouse packing books starting in september but I think I just landed a job from a friend driving cars to and from auctions for a car dealership. Should start in about a week. Super stoked for that one.
  7. broony

    broony Banned

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    when i was in college i deliverd pizza which was one the of the funnest jobs ive ever had. taught me a lot about the area quick. i only lasted 5 or 6 months though. i didnt want to ruin my car..

    then worked for UPS in the warehouse on twilight shifts. usually from 5pm to 10. you could get other shifts as well if you really wanted.. i was broke as shit during my short almost 3 years in college.. although the good thing about working for ups at the time was it put me in the best shape of my life from lifting and moving boxes. so that was good.

    i eventually dropped out, quit my job, and moved to start something over.
  8. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    when in college i delivered chinese food and washed dishes

    tips were awesome...better than pizza because sometimes it was catered parties and the bills were $500 plus

    $5 an hour sounds too low man...i was getting paid almost 8 an hour plus tips and back then gas was under 50 cents a litre (like 1.20 a gallon)..that was back in the 90's
  9. Desos

    Desos Senior Member

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    yea it seemed like other delivery places payed more. there isn't any compensation for gas, u just have to pay for it. we get catering too sometimes, which is nice extra money when it comes in.
  10. Desos

    Desos Senior Member

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    i worked a few minimum wage jobs back in the day, and baked bread for 10 an hour. couldn't do less than 10 an hour that's just not living wages. your barely getting like 900 a month for 40 hours a week.
  11. hahaha04

    hahaha04 Whatevers Clever

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    tell me about it. im starting up college again in a week and a half or something. im stoked to get back honestly.

    ALSO just got a job today doing stocking and helping customers at a local grocery store. not a bad little job honestly for such short notice, keep this one until i get a higher paying job
  12. sunshine186

    sunshine186 midnight toker

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    I work at a grocery store. lot of various tasks. recently I've been offered a bunch of server positions

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