I'm getting 2 grams of coke for a show/rave this weekend. I don't really know anything about the dosage but is it a high amount for 2 people? I know for sure I'm sharing with at least 1 other person. Also would be my first time. Opinions? Should I leave some at home? I know it sounds really dumb but yeah.
2 grams is enough for 2 people doing it for the first time. regular users might go through as much as several grams per night per person, but for first-timers or less experienced users 1 gram per night is sufficient, if not more than necessary. i would make sure the environment is safe and pleasant, as with any drug. it will all influence the affect the drug will have on you.
if your buying 2 grams you might as well get an 8ball. I've heard dumber idea's. I'd day bring a gram each. Be smart.
I don't know anyone who measures their coke dose. They just sprinkle out lines until it is gone. A few grams should be enough for a few people to party for a night. Depending on the quality you might not need allot. If you bought coke in South America an amount the size of a quarter would send you into orbit but once it is smuggled you can guarantee it is cut (perhaps with something you don't want to snort coke dealers can be nasty people). I would recommend you do a small amount at first and see how it affects you.
no, but an experienced user knows approximately how much there is in his line. the difference between say 100mg and 200mg is noticeable visually.
I've never even thought about coke dosage. I mean, besides whether if it's a big line or a small line.
Big is the size of a finger and small is key bumps. The difference being how much blow/money I have at the time
whose finger? which finger, the pinky or the middle finger? lol. on yourself you can measure like that, but when you start explaining to other people it explains nothing.
A finger sized line is a huge fuckin line IMO...I'm assumin ur talking about thickness as well as length. I think you should get about 8 lines out of a gangsta. A line as big as my finger would definitely make me puke, I haven't done coke in forever. I would do one about an inch and a half long and quarter inch thick.
I agree. That's why i said I've never thought about dosage. sure people od on coke. But they either are super sensitive to it or have done a fucking shit ton of it to get there. I've seen people do an 8 ball in one sitting and then go to work. i suppose this isn't a very good thing to be telling a first timer. My advice would be to do a little bit and see how that feels. And just ease into it according to how your body handles it.
Start very low (a small bump) and slowly work up. The feeling of having done too much coke is quite awful, never mind if you actually overdose to the point of medical danger.
this one. different people handle the stuff differently. some people are more sensitive and can't take as much as some others. so, another person's dosage says nothing really, if you've never done it before. to some 100mg is a decent dosage, others can't even feel it, even first time. everyone should start small, and see how their body processes the thing. you don't know what your minimum and optimal dosages are until you do it. i can't take a lot of caffeine, for example. i don't drink coffee or eat chocolate or anything but i do love Coca-Cola. but up to a certain point i can't drink it anymore since the caffeine content gets to be too much for me. same with energy drinks. for other people this doesn't occur. compared to every single person i've met i'm highly sensitive to it (i don't particularly like caffeine either so it doesn't matter much). then again, i can do 5 grams of coke in one night and it's no big deal. i can't imagine going to work right after though....i need to sleep it off.