What the fuck is this. I gave the shit up 10 years ago, now I'm back on it. I thought I'd try coffee again, suddenly no more tea or chocolate. Just a big fuck off quadruple espresso in the morning afternoon is what I need now. I no longer drink tea at all and can't be bnothered with chocolate. Is this a better healthier option? It feels like it. Coffee coffee coffee I can't get enough of the stuff now I think I'm addicted? Am I addicted to coffee now and is that why I started this random thread on coffee?
You know the main advantage of coffee over tea is coffee actually tastes really nice. Tea is refreshing, or at least is used to be before I became immune to refreshment urges.
There's tea and then there's tea. There's some shit tea for sure, but these days I find tea to be so plentiful and bound with flavor that I like tea. I like coffee too. Mandarin & Lotus Petal extract is awesome tea. Mango tea Passion fruit tea I mean I could go on and on with flavors. And then there's coffee. To me coffee ain't coffee unless I like enjoy it. It takes me a while to find beans I enjoy the taste of.
I love coffee But lately everytime I drink it it gives me stomach pains. So i web md'd that shit and turns out coffee has a high acid content and can cause ulcers I dont know if I have an ulcer, but it feels exactly like the last time I wasnt sure if I had an ulcer. So I may give up coffee to see if it gets better. I wonder if tea can also cause ulcers. I like tea too. Must have caffeinnneee
i haven't had tea in years, but i used to love the taste when i did have it. coffee tastes ok i guess. i almost never drink it, since caffeine is the only real excuse to do so and in order to actually feel any effects from the caffeine, i need to drink enough coffee that the caffeine is overshadowed by the horrific pain in my insides. plus, coffee breath is just so awful.
I love my coffee, decaffeinated tea and coffee are both fine, I just don't touch cheap brands.. If I'm out, I have a Starbucks, or Costa just like everyone, don't decafe, but I limit myself to the one..Or my head hurts, my heart thumps, and I can't sleep!
I could take it or leave it. I don't have it every day, to me it's more of a social thing, and not a "I need it to get going and function" thing. But please none of those fancy machines and whatnot. Ibrik/cezve & Turkish all the way.
I love tea just as much as Irminsul does. I drank coffee back in the early 90's. I changed to tea. I know I'm missing out on some good coffees out there, but tea has been very good to me.
When it comes to tea, I only like mint. I can stand other herbal stuff, like nettle and chamomile. No fruit teas for me though.
My most commonly consumed tea is called rooibos. But not sure by what name that goes in english. It's nice and not has an added fruity taste. I drink like 2 cups of coffee a day. Never had an ulcer like feeling happily. Wouldn't know what to do! Love my coffee in the mornings. More than food.
coffee is a desert for me. or a part of one. on an empty stomic it would be a laxative. use to have a little esspresso machine. a little tiny one. think i left it behind the last time i moved. maybe a year and a half ago. along with my grinder for fresh beans. now i just add decaff coffee crystals to my milk along with the chocklet. putting this on generic crispy rice or ohs, is my most often cheap ass desert. my waker uper is some kind of meat. not greasy meat like bacon either, but mostly cow or chicken. cooked in the micto-wave. i drink water i put in the frige with a little mint and lemon in it after that, teas, juces, coffee, pretty much everything non-alky but nothing as a gotta have all the time, except 2% milk. i go through a gallon of that every week or less. coffee, one jar of coffee crystals lasts me a couple of months at least.
I've noticed that I like tea (decaf) in the afternoon. It's nice to change from coffee to tea. I get tired of that coffee taste some time around noon I think.
Mama told me to never drink water unless it is boiled because fish make love in it and are messier than people. Tea is just something to hide the taste of the water and it doesn't do a very good job. Coffee is the only thing keeping me alive.
It's called rooibos in the States, too. I like that kind of tea. Mint and chai are my favorites. But coffee, damn do I love coffee <3
I know I should prefer real ground coffee,and Arico beans and all that,but oftentimes I just prefer instant coffee.I know what I'm getting with that.And it quick.
Fuck Nescafe. Ground coffee is the only way. Only takes a couple of minutes to boil the kettle, pour the water into the cafetiere, stir, squash, pour. These folk who spend big money of fancy coffee machines lol One mug in the morning superstrong and that's my limit. I love the way the inside of my fridge smells of coffee now.