Help, at Codeacademy, I was asked to: Good Head on your Shoulders Before we move on, it is important to note that every good <body> has a good <head> attached. The <head> wraps around all of the information that isn't directly shown on the page, like the <style> element or the <title> element. So, I did this, and do not know why the Website consideres that to be wrong. Anyone know what the Problem is????? <h1>Eric</h1> <h2>Bio</h2> <p>I am a Political Analyst, Philosopher, and Poet</p> <input type="email"> <input type="submit"> <placeholder=""> <style>body{text-align:center;}body{text-align:center;}h2{text-align:center;}<body></body> </style><head></head> <body>{text-align:center;b}</body> <head><style>body{text-align:center;} <style></head><body>...
Many things are wrong. The stuff at the top belongs in the body. There should only be one head, and it should come first. Don't you have some examples to study?
Wow, you haven't even tried. There are these things called books and Google. Also, any browser can show you the source code for almost any web page you look at. Look here