I'm not sure that this belongs here. But, while jerking off, have you ever fantasized about what it would feel like to have a cockhead in your mouth while you were cumming? What does a cockhead spurting warm cum feel like in your mouth, while you're cumming? I fantasize about this a lot! The closest I can come to is legsover and shooting into my mouth. I love it, but it's not the same as a warm cockhead filling my mouth with warm cum. I'm not Gay, but, sometimes I wonder about the pleasure.
I can honestly say I've never fantasied about that. Sure I tried a self blow and about broke my back but did get myself within tongue's range but nothing I could stick in my mouth. Did do a self facial once or twice and totally regretted it immediately after. Far as you not being gay part. Say what you want but there are various shades of gray in this non black & white world we live in.
I do the real thing pretty often and it feels great having a cock swelling and shooting in my mouth while i cum at the same time. You have an itch... scratch it and decide whether it does the trick for you or not.