cock rings

Discussion in 'The Orgasmic Experience' started by winme-guy, Oct 26, 2013.

  1. winme-guy

    winme-guy Guest

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    I love them, but am a bit nervous about using a steel one have heard other guys rave but have also heard the ER horror stories. I use the stretchy rubber ones because i cant find a metal one my size at my local adult store. Now i am not bragging or boasting i have an average 6" penis but have prettybig balls (not sideshow big) and am a stout guy 6' 250lb. My question should i buy the 1.75"or 2" metal? I followed direction on net and i am sized 2.25" is 2" safe? Or am i going to be the guy you read about when a hostital has to call in a jeweler or even worse machinest?
  2. nz male

    nz male Senior Member

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    Do what I did - go to a hardware / DIY store & you will find a selection of different sized steel rings in possibly the fastenings department (they are a cheaper alternative to those they sell in adult toy shops) They are used mainly for securing to shade sails to keep the sun off you. I only had a choice of 3 sizes but they may come in larger ones than those I bought. They can be slightly tight fitting, but you can use lube to ease them on & off. I only use rings that one testicle can just fit thru with care. Then slide the other testes thru after the other. Then push rings up towards base of penis & fit as many more than you can without injuring yourself. I can fit 8 rings over my testes - but one at a time. Then they make the scrotum hang low as long as you like.
    One size I bought is to small for either of my testes to fit thru. You cant try before you buy lol. Mine are easy to fit over mine & once on, they stay in place. Just then remove the rings one at a time over each testes. My rings make my scrotum swing more with the extra weight attached.

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