not a big coke user but got a little bit from a buddy.. how long after takin some do it become unactive? If i blow my nose hour after doing does it shorten the effects?
The primary effects are over usually within the hour, although a slight buzz and some side effects may persist. Redoses don't necessarily shorten the effects per ce, in fact I found the high to become more drawn out but it may introduce unpleasant effects like paranoia. The dopamenergic 'reward' becomes less intense which can lead to compulsive dosing throughout the night. Probably posted this in the wrong forum but hope that helps.
Yeah maybe this can be moved to the right section. But after an hour the coke has already absorbed through your nasal passage.
Inactivity should not be a problem, keep it like anything else: cool and dry. Cocaine should be fully absorbed or swallowed in a few minutes - when you snort things you generally sniff up and swallow lots of "drip", you're not going to have any left to blow out of your nose an hour later - you'll understand when you do it. Now go away and stay the hell out of the LSD forum.
I posted here cause it's the only forum i really come to forever! And I couldn't find the Cocaine forum.. Cause i was high! ..but yeah i've done it a few times in the past and usually i just leave my nose stuffed up so i don't lose any of the buzz! Like smoking weed, you don't take one hit and get a new bowl going.. you burn that fucker til it's black and you cough your lungs out! Get the most out of it.. at least when i was low! Just wanted to see if I blow my nose after or say unstuff it with a tissue, break that bubble that sort of forms.. am I just wasting some of it.. I am thihking not especially if i do it half hour after snorting some! PS: Anyone like doing acid with blow? Ha now i'm in the right forum..
The goal isn't to hold it in your nose, it's to suck it into your nasal sinus, and from there, just swallow it as it comes on back into your throat. You shouldn't be holding a giant sloppy booger in for an hour.... if your nose feels wet, sniff and swallow until it doesn't. When you do it right, you'll know, is what I should have said.
the best combo for me is to take half a tab or a full tab of acid and then 7-8 hours later take a hit of coke and then take another hit 30 min or 1 hour later, i use to do this some times when i go to partys and its great, even though i never tried candy flipping that might be better like late candy flippin. Anyways if u just take small amounts of coke its cool but dont overuse it.