Clinton Vs. Trump

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Karen_J, Feb 25, 2016.


President of the US - November 2016 election

  1. Hillary Clinton

    19 vote(s)
  2. Donald Trump

    10 vote(s)
  3. Gary Johnson

    0 vote(s)
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  1. What you read was Satanic propaganda. Normal people aren't just accused of being all the things you've mentioned. You might ask yourself, is there some reason she is constantly being accused of these things?

    But I can see that you are hypnotized by the antichrist and there is no use in trying to open your eyes. I would have to burn you with a torch to wake you up, and I am not in proximity to do that.
  2. Mattekat

    Mattekat Ice Queen of The North

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    This makes me glad I'm not american.
  3. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    Ok, I could see, on some level, where you were coming from until right now.
  4. No you couldn't. I would have to burn you too to wake you up. You all fear the fire.
  5. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    You're a dolphin. You live in water.
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  6. Touche
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  7. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    You're right I'm wrong. My mistake.
  8. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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  9. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    I think I've made some very substantial criticisms of her that are relevant to the presidency.

    I would say that HRC has been the subject of a lot of criticism, some fair, some not.

    The article (and politico in general), is very pro-HRC. The article also appears to have been altered since I last accessed it.

    The point that stood out for me was the passage "[Hillary Clinton] urged wealthy allies to bankroll independent organizations tasked with knee-capping reporters perceived as unfriendly"

    This "knee-capping" activity apparently includes sending covert operatives to harass and intimidate journalists who criticize her.

    Imho, a politician who takes revenge on critical journalists is a tyrant who has no place public office

    Apparently not, but that any notion that she has not accepted bribes, whether in a legally laundered form or not, is beyond the limits of credulity.

    Do you really think that HRC, with no experience whatsoever in futures trading, just so happened to open a brokerage account with $1000 dollars trading cattle futures, which just so happened to be managed by legal counsel to Tyson Foods, and which just so happened to be the Clinton's biggest campaign contributor? Is it just a stroke of luck that this $1000 dollar investment turned into $100,000 in just one year?

    And do you really think that HRC has amassed a $100 million dollar personal fortune from so-called "speaking fees", collecting $650,000 dollars per speech from the likes of Goldman Sachs? When Obama gave a speech criticizing the excesses of wall street at cooper union, they didn't even show up, even though it was within walking distance, and they could have attended for free.

    But they gave HRC $650,000 just to hear her speak. Totally not a bribe. Do you really believe that?
  10. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    You make a lot of accusations without providing any support. The only thing I can find on "kneecapping" by Clinton is from an article by Jim Geraghty of the National Review. Now if you are a National Review fan (the ultra conservative rag founded by William F. Buckley, Jr.) or Jim Geraghty the ultra conservative who attacked John Kerry and now Hillary Clinton and was a member of the Pajamahadeen then you will believe this stuff. I need more evidence of whatever it is you are trying to say. Do you have any references I can check?

    Clinton's cattle trading deal occurred back in 1978 and has been thoroughly looked into. Nothing there.

    You don't seem to realize how politics works. If you think anyone can rise in politics without some wheeling and dealing you're mistaken. The question is how much, and how does it affect them and the decisions they make once in office. Hillary has some shady things in her past...what politician doesn't? Bernie is one of the few and that's one reason I support him. However, if Bernie doesn't get the nomination then I will look elsewhere, and when I look around the Republicans are much worse than Clinton.

    Would I want Trump as president? Hardly, what a pompous ass. Cruz? You gotta be kidding me. Rubio?

    If you want to see private healthcare, prisons and schools, exclusive Christian morals and religious practices, the privatization of S.S and Medicare, the elimination of all unions, trickle down economics, more tax breaks for the rich, the denial of science, the deregulation of Wall Street and environmental oversights (think Flint), increased military spending, carpet bombing, the re-institution of torture, and increased rigging of name a few "improvements" republican or withhold your vote for the Democratic nominee.

    I'll go with Bernie, then Clinton
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  11. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    See, you lost me at empathy.

    I actually think Clinton exhibits the signs of a classic sociopath. She knows exactly what to say to charm people. She consistently changes her position based not on her own principles but on popular opinion - I guess this isn't a bad quality for a politician to have, she does what she needs to represent her voters, but I don't believe for a second there is any strong moral fiber behind any of her positions.

    In all honesty I probably would vote for her if I lived in a swing state, because she may represent typical establishment politics but at least she doesn't represent te idiocracy like Trump.

    But my state will never ever go Democrat in a presidential election. A vote for a democrat literally doesn't count here, which gives me the freedom to vote third party.
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  12. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    Ok, so I did that but I'm not entirely sure I get what you are saying here by reffering to that post. So let me try: you switched back from supporting Sanders to Clinton again because the polls makes it seem he doesn't get the support from a lot of black americans? And therefor doesn't make a change? But... it is not even certain that Clinton gets the nomination. They're neck on neck, right? So I can understand people like you and Meagain would support Clinton if she would be the primary candidate/gets the nomination. But why side with her instead of Bernie already? Isn't that making the claim that 'a lot of bernie supporters started too late getting involved' a self fulfilling prophecy? It's still possible he gets the nomination right?

    Hm, sorry for all the question marks but I guess it's really one big question: why switch back to supporting Clinton when Sanders still has a chance to get the nomination? Isn't it soon enough to side with her when she actually gets it. Seems like by doing it earlier progressive americans are actually diminishing Sanders actually very real chances on getting the nomination. If I minsinterpreted your reference to the post in the Clinton Sanders thread I apologize. Hope you will clarify then :)

    To be sure, I only said this:

    Because I noticed you switched from Clinton to Sanders a while ago. And it appears now you're going back to supporting Clinton (which imho would be unneccesarily soon)
  13. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    ^it is pretty typical of how most Americans vote, where your vote isn't a vote for someone but more like a wager on who you think can win.
  14. NudistDude

    NudistDude Members

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    Though I support Sanders, If it came down to Clinton or Trump we are doomed either way.... But I would have to go with Clinton because we can't have a republican president while they control the house and senate. Also at least she isn't a blatant racist like Trump is...
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  15. Asmodean

    Asmodean Slo motion rider

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    There are pragmatic voters here too of course ;) I'm just wondering why not support Sanders until he loses the chance to get the nomination. Why quit before that and go back to Clinton? People can go back to her if they wanna perfectly fine after she gets this nomination right?
    And is it really right in your opinion to put it like it's because the younger voters got involved too late that is a good reason to drop support for Sanders already? I'm not an expert on american politics but this stinks a little. If one is for Clinton, hey that's ok. But why put it like that at this point in the race? Am I sounding crazy or like a foreign noob here?
  16. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    But... if she gets in office and does the right things for the wrong reasons, don't the people still get the benefit? This is at the heart of what I said about hiring somebody to do a job. I understand that politics is a dirty business, and always will be. It can still be used as a tool to accomplish good things.

    Okay, so you do understand political pragmatism. You had previously said some things to make me wonder.

    I don't have that same freedom, because NC goes both ways.

    I make a living by understanding the meaning and significance of all kinds of numbers and statistics, and making good use of that information. I've looked at a ton of relevant numbers recently, and everything looks bad for Bernie. I'd love to be sentimental here and say he still has a very strong chance to win, but that would be a lie. His popularity among black voters would need to be rising significantly from week to week, but the curve is flat. He has a very small lead with white voters, leaving the outcome to black voters wherever the Hispanic numbers are not large. That's why when you check the news on Wednesday morning, they will be talking about what a deep hole he is in, in terms of convention delegates, and why only a miraculous comeback surge can save him.

    I'll still vote for Bernie when my turn comes, unless he's officially dropped out of the race by then. NC doesn't come up right away.

    The long term trend looks good to me, because there will be other candidates like Bernie with similar views, and eight years from now some older voters will have died off. Americans in their twenties want somebody like Bernie, something like 75 to 80% of the demographic. They will get their turn to dominate.
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  17. Meliai

    Meliai Banned

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    I'm not sure to be honest, Bernie came out of the blue for a lot of people. But I think voters both young and old who have supported his campaign have worked really hard. A lot of people didn't really catch on to him early enough to kick his campaign into high gear a few months earlier, but I'm sure it would have helped.

    As I was reading the results of exit polls yesterday in my state I found myself growing REALLY frustrated - a lot of voters expressed that they really liked Sanders but they think Hillary is more "electable" - just more of the same bs people have been spouting for months. It isn't even a pragmatic vote because she ISNT more electable - if she wins the nomination Trunp has a very strong chance of being our next president. She loses pretty consistently to him in polls.

    And I don't really see the point in voting for your second choice candidate in a primary.
  18. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    I hate that. It's like a bragging rights thing.

    A lot of black leaders publicly endorsed Clinton before they realized that Sanders was going to be a serious contender.
  19. newbie-one

    newbie-one one with the newbiverse

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    Bernie is still in this race. A lot can happen between now and the convention.
  20. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    Well, you can throw these terms about with little regard for their true meaning if you like. As 99% of humanity is not considered to be sociopathic I don't see how you apply that label to Hillery Clinton and place her in the realm of Ted Bundy and Josef Mengele. Maybe some examples would help.
    But you are entitled to your views.
    So do a lot of people.
    In some cases the ability to grow and learn is seen as a positive trait. What positions that she has changed don't you like? Why do you think she has no moral fiber? Examples please.

    A vote always counts. The only value to a third party vote is if it tends to pull one of the major parties in a certain direction that you favor, otherwise it only draws votes from the party you support.
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