I was reading Bernie Sanders tweets during the Republican debate, and not only did he have great replies to comments the repubs made, but I noticed a great many of the people replying to Bernies tweets were women. Their comments indicated they were likely Clinton supporters until Bernie lit up the scene. So Hillary can no longer count on the female vote to elect her, making Bernie much more likely to succeed.
Last time she ran, I worked as a volunteer for Hillary's campaign, and contributed money. I invested a lot of hours. She only made one public appearance in this area; invitation only. I didn't rank high enough on the totem pole to get in. I hadn't given enough money. You can probably guess how unamused I was with that. I've already been to a Sanders rally. It was free and open to everybody who wanted to attend. I think that tells us a lot about the difference between their approaches. I've always said, don't waste your vote on fringe candidates who don't have a legitimate chance of winning. Sanders no longer fits into that category. His latest poll numbers make him a heavyweight contender. I didn't think he could do it, but I was wrong. He isn't taking any PAC money or kissing the asses of rich donors. Female voters are able to understand the significance of this.
I picked Bernie because he can carry it back to any republican on that stage. And that's what we need in the US, a REAL slug fest for the presidency. All we have seen from republicans is cheap tactics and capitulation. I wish I could see a debate between Bernie and Carly Warbucks. But I doubt she survives to the primaries and she's only there to "prove" that the GOP isn't sexist. Bernie needs to hit Hillary hard on her collection of questionable events. Even if they are nothing more than slimy republican talking points, they bog her down. Personally though, I think Biden would have been a better balance. But Trump or Carly could make Biden look pretty silly. While Biden would be able to easily walk all over Bush and if beady-eye'd Jeb wins the primary, we'll all know the GOP primary process, the one that selected McCain to face Obama, is still rigged.
Sanders no question. Clinton is bought and paid for by elite money and has no qualifications other then her husband's name. But if Sanders does win the gridlock in DC will be much worse then with Obama. Then the next election his competition will say "look at this socialist he got nothing done". I just hope people can what is really going on.
http://wikisum.com/w/Meehl:_The_selfish_voter_paradox_and_the_thrown-away_vote_argument Summary of an article published in 1977 by University of Minnesota psychologist, pyschotherapist, & statistician Paul Meehl, in the American Political Science Review. "...the appeal by politicians and party activists to the 'throwing away your vote' claim is fallacious and we should ignore it." The full paper is available online, but it's sometimes difficult reading.
Did Bernie Sanders really allow an uninvited, unauthorized intruder to snatch away his microphone and address his audience? Wow I thought of some of the incidents where intruders tried to take the stage from rock stars like Alice Cooper and Pete Townsend. You can bet the farm nobody is going to snatch Hillary's microphone.
Elizabeth Warren apparently is getting cozy with Sanders. Keeping fingers crossed, they could make a good team. They have the right ideas about what government should be (for the people, not just the corporations). Hillary's only polling 10% on HF. Sanders 90% so far... If that could hold until the primaries among all democrats and independents (less likely).
Sanders/Warren.. THAT is a winning ticket. She's said 'No' all along but got my fingers crossed that this has changed.
I guess that's the difference between Bernie and Hillary: She's a rock star; Bernie isn't. We don't need ego in the White House and Bernie's got none of it. It's no big deal if someone steals the microphone and he handles it well. His positions are solid and he doesn't have to worry about saving face. Nobody would steal Hillary's mic...well, that's just childish. We don't need another leader who throws their weight around right now. With the situation in the world as it is, we need someone who is going to listen calmly and negotiate. Bernie is wise enough to understand that he isn't in competition with some intruder for air time, whereas Clinton wouldn't understand that at all. Clinton is all about Clinton while Bernie is all about the citizens of this country. If the election were held today, I would vote Bernie.
That's what I'm hoping for too. I live in Iowa and I can't think of a single person I know (who is a likely Dem voter) who has told me they are voting for Hillary. I'm pretty sure all of my Dem friends who I've discussed it with are voting for Bernie. The excitement for him around here seems even greater than it was for Obama at this point in his first election. If things continue they way they are going, I really don't see Hillary winning Iowa or NH. Normally, I think this is where the gloves would be coming off but Hillary has two problems. She risks alienating Bernie supporters later if she gets too aggressive (and Bernie hasn't attacked her at all) and....what can you attack him with that he hasn't already said himself? The "socialist" attack is more of a compliment to him and he has a very long record of being right and doing the right thing. What's left to hit him with?
Even if she doesn't want the VP position, I can see her getting a lot of good things accomplished running the Treasury Department. That may be the job she wants. It may be the most perfect fit for her abilities. Hillary is currently the default choice; the vanilla ice cream choice. She's about as exciting and colorful as the default color scheme on Microsoft Windows. She's mellowed out too much. To be perfectly honest, her time was eight years ago. She should have beat Obama, and Sanders would be running to replace her now. I can't imagine Hillary getting a crowd as excited about change as Bernie did when I saw him in Greensboro. I was expecting the quiet Bernie we see in TV interviews. No. If you get a chance to go see him, it's definitely worth an hour of your time.
^yeah I have read all his policy but never really saw him speak until a few days ago I watched some snippets from various speeches and I was really surprised, he comes across as very strong. He's a much more powerful orator than I expected. If Trump gets the Republican nomination I think Bernie would be a good contender, he is strong enough that he wont allow Trump to completely bully and steamroll him.