Climate Change

Discussion in 'Politics' started by David Vanzant, Jan 12, 2023.

  1. David Vanzant

    David Vanzant Members

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    Has anyone else noticed that anytime the weather isn't perfect, its due to climate change? There a drought - its climate change. There is flooding - there's climate change
  2. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    True that, and it is climate changing...

    Gee, what a novel concept. The fact that climate changes is obvious from day to day... unless every day is EXACTLY the same as every other day in someone's carefully controlled and manipulated hell hole of a metaverse.

    Climate changes from moment to moment.

    What has changed is peoples' perception of that fact and the media coverage of it.

    A bigger thought is the one about how much media controls your thinking process and so-called 'beliefs'.

    I can go on and on for days...
    Joe90, scratcho and Tyrsonswood like this.
  3. ~Zen~

    ~Zen~ California Tripper Administrator

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    Joe90 likes this.
  4. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Yeah.... It's really odd how the climate controls the weather, isn't it.
  5. granite45

    granite45 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I taught weather and climate as part of a physical geography class for 10 years and the statistics are overwhelming. The earth is definitely warming and humans are the cause. Among reputable climate scientists the debate has long since been over. Denial fits the definition of arguing with idiots. If anything, the magnitude of warming predicted in 2000 has been underestimated.

    Very real human and monetary impacts are accruing every day. I challenge any one to present scientific evidence that the climatologists are wrong. By the way science is not based on cherry-picking conspicuous anecdotes. I most certainly would not invest in property on a barrier island or on the Florida Coast or surrounded by dense Ponderosa Pine in the Rocky Mountains or a ski area in the Midwest.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2023
  6. David Vanzant

    David Vanzant Members

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    Climate is always and has always changed. Study science. What cause the ice age to end?
    Joe90 and ~Zen~ like this.
  7. David Vanzant

    David Vanzant Members

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    Its really odd that media can influnce so many opinions on the subject
    Joe90 and ~Zen~ like this.
  8. granite45

    granite45 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Climate does change, but baring outside events, not at the speed of the last half century. The coming and going of ice ages has been hypothesized as linked to changes in earth orbit, tilt of the earth and volcanic activity.what is NOT hypothesis is the effect of CO2 and methane on the radiation budget of the atmosphere. By the way, climate scientists don’t receive money for conclusions one way or the other but fossil fuel executives………
  9. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    And what "media" has influenced me?

    Be factual, I'll wait.
    nudistguyny, ~Zen~ and scratcho like this.
  10. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Never mind climate change--we gotta keep that money flowing in for oil, and plastic shit that we all "need. ":confused:
  11. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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  12. David Vanzant

    David Vanzant Members

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    WOW Doesn't sound like a majority of Scientist agree and just 52% of citizens believe it just beacuse that have been told by the media that it is causing changes
    Fifty-two percent of Americans think most climate scientists agree that the Earth has been warming in recent years, and 47% think climate scientists agree that human activities are a major cause of that warming
    GrayGuy57 and ~Zen~ like this.
  13. Piobaire

    Piobaire Village Idiot

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  14. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    Weather is what happens everyday. Climate refers to long term trends, big difference.
    scratcho and granite45 like this.
  15. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    When the last climate change deniers are standing in water up to their asses with their hair on fire , fingers in ears going lalalalalalalala-I can't hear you--well now--that'll be a great day. Not for humans, of course, but for those "I told you so "folks.
  16. mrsixstrings12

    mrsixstrings12 Members

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    I agree that the media is ridiculous and has to over dramatize every story they put out now a days but the fact is the Earth is getting warmer at an alarmingly fast pace due to HUMANS. Manufacturing, the use of oil, automobiles, methane production from farms. It all adds up to we are the problem.
    kinulpture, scratcho and granite45 like this.
  17. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    unfortunately, we ARE the problem. or at least the multiplier times each and every other thing we do needlessly wrong.

    every year the transition from "too damd cold" to "too damd hot" happens earlier, and from "too damd hot' to "too damd cold" happens latter.
    and it doesn't take rocket science to see this is real. media, dumbing things down to the joe sixpack level, does at times muddy the water between climate and weather.
    not nearly as much as those with a vested interest in doing so, such as the fossil fuel industry.
    Echtwelniet likes this.
  18. Echtwelniet

    Echtwelniet Visitor

    I am a gardener/landscaper for 25 years and i have seen nature(birds/insects/plants/ect) change, because of extremer weather changes infuencing that(Hotter/wetter/colder).

    I also believe nature and this planet are running a cycle(history).........wich we cant change...... but we need to take better care for our planet and not make it much sollutions already here?(money/greed)

    I kinda think we are buch of ants who should not make things little shake of this planet :D


    Wolverine97 and Toker like this.
  19. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    Their is evidence along the cliffs on the south of the UK, that at one point in the history of the planet, sea level was around 12 meters higher than it is today. At that point, almost 90% of land in most of the world would have been submerged. In this situation, their would have been very little animal life and with nothing to burn, their would have been no greenhouse gasses. This would have caused the ice caps to form and the sea level to fall.

    As animal life then grew and their was dry plant life to burn, the greenhouse layer would have formed and sea levels started rising again. All this would have been happening long before the birth of mankind.
    The increase in carbon dioxide would have triggered plant growth, mainly marine, where most of our oxygen is formed today.
    Oxygen level is interesting, since it is virtually static, so if we produce less carbon dioxide, plant life will diminish.

    Here lies the problem, since this takes time. So if we cut greenhouse gasses, the oxygen level will attempt to rise. I along with many other people, suspect that lightening then causes grass and forest fires to restore the balance. It is a catch 22 situation, since these fires contribute more carbon dioxide than we are saving.

    Would slowing down our cuts to industry give things time to balance, or is the whole process of flooding to ice age a natural cycle.?

    I will attempt to find out by experimenting and post my results on HF within 200 million years. :D:D
  20. Toker

    Toker Lifetime Supporter

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    Everyone talks about CO2 and how it traps in heat.

    Less is said about Methane and how global warming is causing much more of this to be released into the atmosphere, causing 10 times more damage in proportion.

    Even less is said about how humans are directly heating the planet through everything from campfires to jets to forest fires to car exhaust to rockets to large scale wars to fireplaces to nuclear power plants, to billions of cow farts to Trump farting.

    So much energy being used creating heat that gets trapped by our other pollutants. We are all stuck in a big garage with a billion cars all idling at once, committing species suicide.

    I now have a pollution monitor in sight most of the time, and it's not good news. Amazing how quickly it can just seep thru walls. Six seconds after a polluting vehicle passes I see the readings jump. It can read changes every second. Now I just need to find some clean air somewhere.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2023
    kinulpture likes this.

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