Black people LOVE fried chicken."]Popeyes Runs Out of Chicken in Rochester, NY - YouTube
I'll let you know as soon as I find one I like I picked H .. and the answer is YES"]Cold War Kids - Hang Me Up To Dry - YouTube
I don't know if they are cheap but I can say that I have years of history of poorer people paying us for work the day it's completed and more wealthy people expecting to be billed and waiting a month or two or more to pay.
Women are more apt to adopt some of the personality/character traits/style of whomever they happen to be dating at the time.
"You get out of something what you put into it." Not always true, but it is common to get much more out of an activity if you make a serious effort to actively participate. The biggest whiners are usually passive people who would rather criticize than help.
I actually had to look up a list of cliches to think of one that I deeply feel is true - absence makes the heart grow fonder.
i guess most of them have at least a grain of truth. probably wouldn't have become a cliche otherwise.