Clam Shell Change Holder

Discussion in 'Fashion and Crafts' started by cerridwen, Jan 1, 2005.

  1. cerridwen

    cerridwen in stitches

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    Clam Shell Change Holder

    This is a great Father's Day craft idea!

    What you will need:

    <LI>A clam shell( if you don't have a beach near you, use a shell from the stuffed clams that you buy from the gorcery store)

    <LI>Black paint,gold and silver

    <LI>Three wooden beads with out holes(or any large bead)

    <LI>Hot glue or any strong craft glue

    <LI>High gloss spray sealer - spray or paint on


    Paint entire shell black and paint the wood beads gold, let dry.

    Glue the wood beads on the bottom of the shell spaced apart a little to create "legs" for your clam shell change holder.

    Now with the silver and gold, paint little stars and moons with little lines coming from the stars. Also paint with the silver, the edge of the shell.

    Last, spray or brush on gloss on both sides, let dry.

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