Cigerettes online

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by adoutsider, Aug 22, 2005.

  1. adoutsider

    adoutsider Member

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    Anyone buy cigs online, or for sure know of a relaible and cheap site? I dun understand why everyone dun buy them online...
  2. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    caus they sell them like EVERYWHERE?!?!?!!?!!?

  3. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    ps. if you find a place where they dont sell them, set up a business caus chances are there are some pissed of smokers constantly complaining about having to travel to get cigarettes, somewhere nearby
  4. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    i've done it. you can do it legally, but to really get them cheap...i'm not sure how legal it is. just use a search engine, there are plenty of sites. they should be 25 or less for most brands, imported from europe usually. most common brands are 10-20 dollars a carton. shipping is cheap.

    it saves you a lot of money, especially here in ohio where cigs are nearly 5 bucks a pack (since the tax was raised, some things like lucky strikes, american spirits, and benson and hedges have gone higher than 5 bucks a pack)

    i did it a few times until i quit smoking. but like i said, i dont know how legal it is and i've heard of people saying the government is cracking down on it and some people are getting in trouble, or in smaller cases getting sent a bill for taxes on the cigarettes later when the state found out about it. i dunno, i find it unlikely, but its best to show caution in things you do online, especially when they're potentially illegal. you never know whos monitoring it.

    if you're a camel man, i might suggest camel milds - cant get them in the us anywhere that i know of, they're kind of like a halfway point between camel lights and camel filters. fuller flavor than a light, lighter than a filter, but with nearly as much nicotine as a filter and a little bit less tar.

    the pall mall filter twelves (the european charcoal filtered pall malls) are pretty good, too, but they get to be harsh after smoking a few packs of them.

    if you want to try inexpensive but good imports, i'd suggest gitanes unfiltered or gualoise blondes (filtered)....both are french and pretty inexpensive.

    if you want a more costly but smoother import i'd say dunhill special reserve or dunhill lights are good. dunhill internationals in the red box are pretty decent and more common to see, but they just aren't the same. i definitely liked the dunhill lights best (not dunhill international lights in a wide yellow box.....the regular king sized standard style pack)

    good luck if you try to do this, and be careful. remember the cheaper cigs come from europe, and even if they're an american brand name they are made in another country and may be a different blend or style. many of them have cool "exotic" looking packs with cyrillic script on them, too, in my experience.
  5. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    bill, people use these because of the way the tax laws work out in the us. if you smoke a pack a day, it really matters in the long run. for example, here in ohio i could get a carton of 10 packs for about 30-40USD in a gas station, or for about 15USD plus shipping i can get a carton of 10 (often superior quality) from another country and just wait a matter of a few days for it to arrive. since they don't weigh much, additional cartons often cost little to no more to ship. last time i ordered was a carton of camel milds and one of the pall malls, and all in all it was i think 37.50 for the two of them, which is not an unheard of cost for ONE carton of premium cigarettes bought in ohio these days.
  6. Eugene

    Eugene Senior Member

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    Well, as far as i know you can import up to 2 cartons of cigarettes duty free, but that was at the canadian border, i don't know if other countries are different.

    Online sales are tax-free, however, and you can buy cigarettes in country and get around the taxes (something like 50% of your total cost in some areas).
  7. jo_k_er_man

    jo_k_er_man TBD

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    that new $0.75 increase killin your wallet?
  8. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    yeh they went up recently

    why buy cartons?

    roll your own you lazy bums
  9. mrcobain85

    mrcobain85 Member

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    I hate rollies man ... I used to buy from , but now they are only selling in swizerland ...
    I bought a carton of newport .. love that shit ;)
  10. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    i love rollies. winfield blue. theyre so much better than normal cigarettes. when you smoke normal ciggs for a while and go to rollies its like 'mmm potent' and then when you go back its like 'er.. it feels so artificial and fake'.

    if i smoked as a habit i couldnt see it any other way. its fun to roll too! and means that you put effort into having a cigarette instead of pulling from a pack so it staves off all the cigarettes one might have 'for teh sake of it'
  11. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    the rolling tobacco available in most gas stations here tastes pretty shitty. its all like kite and top and bugler....harsh and nasty....if you're lucky they'll have half and half or prince albert, but those aren't amazing either. besides, people definitely generally prefer to have filters for the sake of their throats. more nicotine doesn't mean it lasts longer between cigarettes, it just gets you more addicted if you're a regular smoker. you can get the tubes to inject the tobacco into, but the time i bought stuff to do that the machine broke in like two weeks. plus i hate cigarettes going out when i'm in the middle of smoking them if i dont take a puff every two or three seconds, sometimes i want to relax.

    course this is a moot point since i quit, recently. i probably ouhgt to stay out of this thread, its making me want to smoke....
  12. Eugene

    Eugene Senior Member

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    Jester's rolling tobacco is nice.
  13. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    why is it that whenevever i talk about rollies on the internet, ppl think there is no filter in them

    i dont do it habitually so i think smoking is an absolute pointless exercise if your not getin any nicotine. plus i find i really like the taste of rollies but i not explored away from the brand that i like which is avaiable everywhere.

    i think when you smoke a lot you must become a connossoir to taste but i find when you get used to one type, other tastes can be a little wierd, depending
  14. stonerblond74

    stonerblond74 Member

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    Here in NJ, name brand cigs are up to close to $7.00 a pack. Generics are usually about $5.00 or so. I started buying cigs online from for about $12.00 a carton. HUGE difference. I haven't had any problems with them, they deliver within a week of my placing the order. Their shipping prices are the lowest I've seen. I have been buying from them for about a year now, and have not been sent a tax bill yet.

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