chuck palanhiuk

Discussion in 'Books' started by Gerva, Aug 31, 2005.

  1. Gerva

    Gerva Member

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    is anyone reading, or has anyone read chuck palanhiuk's book: " CHOKE"??
    i'm reading it right now , I like is style, how would you define it?
  2. hippypaul

    hippypaul Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    How about a little hint of what it is about - always looking for new authors
  3. the zen-man puck

    the zen-man puck Member

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    choke- is about a guy who fakes choking restaurants to get attention, money, food and to make be feel like a hero. most of the book reads like a penthouse letter.
  4. Duck

    Duck quack. Lifetime Supporter

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    my library only has his books in hardcover, I HATE hardcover [​IMG]

    I need to get out to the fuckin' book store
  5. doorwayBlue

    doorwayBlue Member

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    Hey, I read Choke about a year ago. I liked it alot, not sure quite what to call the style, I just remember liking the guy's voice. It was like he wasnt trying to hide anything, even though he kind of didnt like himself
  6. lovelikeair

    lovelikeair Member

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    Chuck Palahniuk is a fucking genius. Ever seen Fight Club? He wrote the book. Choke is another amazing book. I always love his descriptions and his dark comedy and what he writes always seems to be terrifyingly true in some way.

    Choke Synopsis:

    "A dark comedy about sexual addiction, chocolate pudding, religious relics and the Heimlich Maneuver." - Chuck's Editor

    Victor Mancini, a medical-school dropout, is an antihero for our deranged times. Needing to pay elder care for his mother, Victor has devised an ingenious scam: he pretends to choke on pieces of food while dining in upscale restaurants. He then allows himself to be "saved" by fellow patrons who, feeling responsible for Victor's life, go on to send checks to support him. When he's not pulling this stunt, Victor cruises sexual addiction recovery workshops for action, visits his addled mom, and spends his days working at a colonial theme park. His creator, Chuck Palahniuk, is the visionary we need and the satirist we deserve.
  7. lilylove

    lilylove Member

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    I actually liked Diary the best of his books that I have read. Choke and Invisible Monsters can be too vulgar for a lot of people. I have some sheltered friends that might be offended if I recomend one of his books. I own a lot of them. He is sooooo easy to read.The one book I couldn't get into was Fight Club. I had seen the movie first and all I could see when I read the book ws Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. I can't read a book if I see the movie first (usually) just because I want to make the characters and plot line in my head not have a director tell me what he pictures it like. Ya know? So I had to put it down after a few chapters. But I guess that is ok because the movie IS kick ass.
  8. doorwayBlue

    doorwayBlue Member

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    yeah, I had the same problem with trying to read Fight Club. That movie's amazing and I watched it so many times that reading the book seemed out of the question. I got sucked into that movie and the way that the main character started looking at the world and relating to everyone around him. His struggle with nihilism was also very interesting to watch, as was the Victor's struggle in choke. I also am a fan of dark DARK comedy. Its so much easier for me to laugh at that kind of thing.
  9. oblivion

    oblivion Member

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    I bought lullaby yesterday, ive not had chance to start reading it yet, but it sounds quite twisted. Haunted has had some really bad reviews, anyone read it?
  10. Oh So strangE indeeD

    Oh So strangE indeeD Member

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    he also wrote was insane but really good
  11. Therefore...

    Therefore... Antidentite

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    I definitely love Palahniuk. Survivor is an interesting read. When I was done with them, my mom read Fight Club and Invisible Monsters. She liked them, though we had some pretty awful conversations that came out of Invisible Monsters, as you could imagine.

    Damn. Now I have the urge to go out and get all of his books I haven't read and read them all this weekend.
  12. BlindMelon

    BlindMelon Member

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    Choke... i have it but haven't gotten around to reading it yet.. im in the middle of reading his new book 'Haunted'... its awsome. 'Lullaby' was an awsome book by him too. in fact, all of his books are amazing!!
  13. oblivion

    oblivion Member

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    lullaby is great. i'' definately read another of his books when i finnish this one
  14. hiro

    hiro pursue it

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    I have the book sitting on my bookshelf but never got around to reading it. My friend said that the mom in the book reminds him of someone I know. I find his writing to be good though.
  15. hippypaul

    hippypaul Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Choke was very very good - I am putting his other books on my list - the man writes really well.

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