Hello, yesterday morning I went to the mall to hunt me some breakfast. I sat down at a small cafe, ordered coffee and watched the christmas powershoppers. Geez, what a misery . People acted like there is nothing to buy anymore the next day. I saw couples, where both seemed to be happy, some looked sad, some looked angry. Usually the men looked sad or angry. I guess men have their trouble with christmas shopping . Regards Gyro
A freind just recommended me to write sonnet sequences as gifts. I cannot wait to get started on those.
Hello, sounds like a resonable easy task to me. It just takes some time, maybe two or three years or twenty or so . Regards Gyro
I saw some of those power shoppers when I was out doing mine. They appeared to be very different than I was as they at least were managing to buy things rather than looking lost and bewildered.
Hello, there are definitely some pro shoppers out there. They show us amateurs which side the bread is buttered on . Regards Gyro
Hello, don't let him go anywhere near the handrailing in the upper floors or near open windows... Oh, and beware of the kitchen department! Regards Gyro