There are no kids on these boards. But someone here should really share what I have below with them. Any educators on these boards? You know, when I was a kid, I noticed adults said things that made no sense to me or maybe I misunderstood. Like the phrase "animal rights". I kept hearing people say they didn't believe in animal rights. Most Republicans today don't believe in animal "rights". Because animal rights in the new term. It is politically-charged. It means PETA, and no fur and no honey even. The older term, which goes back to at least the 19th Century, if not before, is animal welfare. Animal welfare in the Animal Welfare Act of 1867 asked is the harm to animals, physical or emotional, unnecessary? Is it unavoidable? And things like (interestingly) are farm animals being overburdened in the fields? And meat production was considered acceptable, under this standard. So even today, if you ask the most politically conservative politician, "Do you believe in animal welfare, Senator" He'll answer, "Well, animal rights, no. But animal welfare? Yes. I sponsored a bill like that just last week. I have done many bills like that in fact in my time in the Senate..." Share it.
Fun fact, there are few enforced welfare laws for livestock. There IS a difference between animal welfare and animal rights. rights assumes that as living beings, animals, like humans, have certain protections such as preservation of life, just because they exist. welfare comes from a stance that the life they have is still forefit at the hands of humans, that they live by human whims, and that’s okay as long as they are treated well until the point their life is taken, and they can live in servitude to humans as lab experiment subjects, amusement, beasts of burden, etc.