So they did a social experiment! What are your thoughts? I think it's disgusting! It's going to make parents more obsessed about letting their kids out of their sights! It's fact, there are no more abduction now, than 30 years ago! Mobile phones etc, have made no change to! What's your thoughts..? Watch this first, then have your say!
I watched the vid. Honestly, I'd be looking at my phone on the playground as well. That is the kids time to play with other children. My time to "catch up". Parents should supervise, but not by the second/minute. I remember when my mother would take me to the playground (before phones) she'd be distracted by talking/laughing with other mothers or groups of parents. I got hurt bleeding one time and it took my mother a minute(s) to even realize I was crying with all the other kids screaming. No big deal... I think the video prays upon the fears of parents with their (first born) child and shows what can happen. Parents with already having multiple children would look at this video and say "been there , done that, nothing ever happened while I was distracted on my phone....let em roughhouse" back to Instagram. I'd be a little paranoid with my first child.....but not THAT paranoid with cell phone distraction. My childs hygiene would be number #1 paranoia over the playground vid. Like his mouth on the monkey
When I first saw that video, my first thought was, oh great your putting ideas in predators heads on how to abduct a child. My second thought was, most kids would not leave that easily and not quietly. Most kids are very attached to their parents. Third thought was, it's amazing how much people are missing out on because they get so caught up on their phones. I was also thinking that a predator wouldn't do that with a parent so close, on the phone or not, I don't think they would risk getting busted. I guess it was just a video to put the bug in parents ear.
i agree with you same quantity of childhood abductions just more media hype now to make more money from increased viewers. many kids abducted from philipines and shipped to taiwan before and now
I worry about child traffickers now, quite a few people in my area have reported suspicious people working in groups of two or three, trying to distract the parent and lure the child away. Hopefully its an urban myth but when its people you know reporting things like this it is a bit concerning. And about a year ago I was cleaning out my car and keeping an eye out on my son who was playing in the yard. A van stopped in front of my yard, the driver stared at my son until I stepped out of the car and got all mama bear on him and waved him away. It would be naive to pretend things like this don't happen but I do think as a society we are a little too cautious and helicopter-esque to the detriment of our children as well.
this reminds me...10th anniversary of madeleine mccann's disappearance she is not the only missing child in the world, but it's a very well known case
A lot of abduction attempts seem to happen at schools and when kids walk home alone. I hear so many stories on the news about that.
i saw the thread title and thought it was going to be another amber alert. right now i'm still at the point where they're just annoying because they wake me up every other night and interrupt every other meeting i'm in, but pretty soon i'm going to be completely desensitized to the point that i don't even look. don't get me wrong; the amber alerts on cell phones are a good idea in concept. you want to get that out there. but when every marital dispute within 1000 miles starts blowing up your phone, you stop paying attention to the details and pretty soon the legitimately abducted kids will be walking right in front of you and you won't even realize it.
Yeah, but its not like they are going to include bits that make their experiment look lame or contrary to what they are trying to "sell" Probably do it 100 times to get 4 reactions they want to put in the video.....then in this case its just the 4 lousiest set of parents or whatever Name any parent that hasnt taken their eyes off their kid for a period of 10 seconds ever
I don't understand, the play area is empty, they walk right in front of him...or did they? But they still took the kid away! And that's the scary bit!
Is that picture even real ? Look at the people, the different clothing! Wonder where it came from originally? Brilliant irminsul, lol
If you're going to put your child on a leash, then maybe you shouldn't even have kids in the first place. That's a little person.
I don't know I just searched for "child leash" I didn't even know they existed it was just my first thought. "Keep them on the short leash" so I goggles it and that's what I find lol.
Looks more like a stick! My nephew has a leash, but it's soft, velcro around his wrist, and the other end on his mum's! Believe me, it's why no one will take him out! I'm not sure if it's part of the trouble though! When my kids were small and walking, they latched on to my coat edge! Never had a problem!
you know why people want to keep each other paranoid all the time? its so they can sell them crap they wouldn't otherwise think they want or need. abduction? its a statistical thing. you got billions of people, anything you can think of, someone somewhere is going to do. and of course it could happen to anyone. but to look at it honestly, you have to look at what are really the odds. sure you can set up any kind of a situation, but how often will it happen if you don't? and how about giving credit to another reality; children might not have a whole lot of experience dealing with unfamiliar situations, (rather an awful lot of adults don't seem to either), but they DO have brains. and curiosity isn't the only thing that passes through them. childhood ISN'T the most wonderful time in anyone's life they experience. (if it was, a majority of people wouldn't be occluding theirs.)