Chickenshit Chicken Thieves!~ The secret to being a big kid, Lao Tzu said, Is knowing even the vinegar can be sweet, But, too many sweets can spoil the pot, Adults are often quite bitter and soar! Learn how to just say no to yourself, Or, ask yourself, who are you talking to? We say, you are either smarter than a chicken, Or you are the mindless chicken! If you can't steal an egg from a chicken, They still say to this day, in West Virginia, "You ain't nothing if you ain't a chicken thief!" “Everybody gotta be at least a chickenshit chicken thief!” All you have to do to be a chickenshit chicken thief, And to become the sweet child of God we were all born, Master Yoda says, "A Jedi feels the force flow through him, Thus, he remains regular! Without having to use harsh chemicals and laxatives, Or finding himself up shit creek without a paddle!"