When you read the title did you imagine chickens that kill children? Or children that kill chickens? Inquiring minds want to know.
I thought it meant chickens that run down children and kill them. That's why some people have a phobia of fowl...
I thought chickens that kill children, otherwise it should have been written chicken-killing children....
I pictured me in my childhood scarfing down a 3 piece chicken meal from KFC....original recipe - original was all we had back then.
well technically chicken does kill children quicker these days than if you didn't eat no chicken.. unless you raised it yourself... which nobody does.. sometimes chicken wants to kill you. I was scared as shit as a little kid as family let chickens out eat the grass, this little rooster, would charge you and try to run up you and peck at your head, scared me good everytime... later I saw father shoot that fucking thing, he used multiple shots cause of his shit gun and his old eyes. I saw something that day.. I got to get me one of those things to kill chicken... that bang sound and shit is so cool. Now I do, but the guns are for people and police. I don't hurt animals.
i thought of this which is obviously chicken killing a child http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view7/2759916/chicken-attack-o.gif
Whoa. That's crazy mon. (really though)... I THOUGHT I saw chicken killing children, right. So. Said it out loud cause my mind was blown. And I kept seeing a child killing a chicken. Duh..reads both ways. So yea, what I SAY it ... I def see the child killing the chicken. at first glance it may have been diff.
Hmmm....interesting results. I can't say for sure which way I'd take it because I chose the title based on another thread and didn't realize it could go both ways till trying to decide the contents of this parody thread. I think geese are the real fowl bastards. They're mean as shit. My aunt used to have chickens, turkeys, geese, guineas, peacocks, etc. And it was always the geese causing problems. The males in particular. They had the dog scared to death of them....they'd chase the poor k9 all over the farm. Till one day my nephew, who was about 5 at the time, was being run down by one of the male geese. By the time we saw what was happening we were too far away to stop him, but the dog sprung into action and ran over to save my nephew from the dirty bastards. He chased them off and from that day forward the dog wasn't scared of the geese anymore.
well, at first I misread it and thought it said "Children killing Children" but once I'd realized, I just imagined chickens killing children, probably en masse, Zelda-style. xD Oh, wait there is a thread about children killing children. Man, this is all way too much for my head at 5am xD Sleep time!!!!