Apologies for bad joke thread title. My question; I have a check 'pay to the order of': written out to me, the amount written out, and the person who gave me the check has signed it. At the bottom where it says for: it says my name, but also someone else name that I helped and that's what check was given for. In the for section it's to wrote what check for right? Is the check good to cash, or is the two names in the 'for' part going to look odd? I mean it's legit a check written out for me, but just curious????
And this is America. It's check. You had it right. If you were in Canada or some other parts of the world, sure, it's cheque. We do what we want here :2thumbsup:
If in the Czech Republic, it's a Czech check. Check that. Since it's outside the U.S., it would be a Czech cheque.
There's an old ethnic story about the chick who checked for the cheque from Chuck the Czech, but we won't go into it.
You should become proficient at "check washing" and get a good set of fake IDs. The first fat check should make up for the cost of the fake IDs and once you get into checking on the regular you will have enough money to bail yourself out of jail and leave the country when the cops get greedy and decide you aren't paying them enough to not lock you up
No kidding. The other day on some international news, they officially called the grammar faux pas of "You did good." (as opposed to the proper "well") as 'American version' ... lets take a simple grammar mistake and instead of educating people or fixing the mistake, we'll just call it 'Murican.
In the uk its been known to come out as... Hey hun, check my cheque books in my bag, if not check you have plenty of cheques in yours, lets check out some cheque spending...check?....response.....check, use your own cheque book and stop checking out my cheques...check?...response...tight git...check!