Chaung Tzu's Dream

Discussion in 'Random Thoughts' started by Meagain, Oct 6, 2014.

  1. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    I just awoke from a wonderful dream.

    I was in a field by my former high school's football field. I was my present 63 year old man just hanging around and I turned and looked at a nearby hill and had a sudden, very real, memory of one of the events of my time at school.

    I remembered that on that hill we would all gather to listen to rock music that someone would play very loudly from their house so that we could hear it on that hill. And I couldn't remember who it was that was playing the music. Then someone else nearby told me who it was, and I thought, "Yeah, that's who it was".

    The dream was so vivid I suddenly awoke and I laid there thinking about that experience and what a wonderful time we all had back then, in the old days.

    But then doubts about the memory started to creep in, and now I don't know if Chaung Tzu dreamt he was a butterfly, or if the butterfly dreamt he was Chaung Tzu.

    Do our memories reveal the past, or do we exist in a constant now and our memories have no more validity than dreams?

    Just a Random Thought and now I can't sleep.
  2. Fairlight

    Fairlight Banned

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    I can relate.I have amazing far out dreams.When I wake I just think "Wow".I think the quality of our dreams is related to the quality of our mental and emotional states.Cultivating positive energies will engender nicer and more transcendental dreams.Negative hate vibes will tend to produce horror film like dreams.
  3. BlackBillBlake

    BlackBillBlake resigned HipForums Supporter

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    I rarely if ever dream of actual past events or places. I do dream of people from the past occasionally.

    Sometimes I awaken from a pleasant dream and something of the feeling stays with me for maybe an hour or so.

    I think our memories tend to change as time goes on.We probably recall things selectively, and maybe each time we recall something, that changes the memory a little.
  4. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    there are several questions he didn't ask. are we remembering some future life as well as the past. personally i like the idea of when i go to sleep here, i wake up in some parallel universe.

    where things work differently, but they do all work. at least in mine, they work just fine. all of them.

    you're just more likely to teleport somewhere then walk the whole distance in between.

    or that there's a kind of psionic internet, that our own internal symbolism is the client side, and there really is some kind of server side that it logs onto. like a kind of vr mmo.

    then there was poe, who asked, isn't all we see or seem, but a dream within a dream.

    well our dreams don't mean that things don't exist outside of them. only that what we think we know ABOUT them, is never 100% reliable.

    there are trains and buses in my dreams, perhaps because they are what much of my life has been about.
    people in my dreams ride them, actually to get places, though for some reason, when i do in them, it is for the enjoyment of doing so.

    i would say the chang tzu in our universe, dreamt he was a butterfly in that on and the butterfly in that one, well they were really the SAME person, just that in one universe the one, and in another universe, at the same time, the other.

    so the thing to keep track of, is not whether you are the sensi OR the butterfly, but rather, which universe, at any given time, you happen to be in.
  5. MeAgain

    MeAgain Dazed & Confused Lifetime Supporter Super Moderator

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    When in a dream events have the same reality as those we encounter when awake.
    They can make our hearts pump faster, invoke joy, we may feel pain, hunger, and so on.

    They affect us in the same way as the waking state, although the rules of the natural universe may seem to be suspended in relation to the waking state.

    And while we sleep and dream we seldom question the reality that we find ourselves embedded in.

    Same as when we experience the waking state.
  6. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    precisely. they are separate realities, each real in their own context, but each context less then applicable in the other.
  7. I'minmyunderwear

    I'minmyunderwear Newbie

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    eh, i realize i'm dreaming in probably half my dreams. at least, half the dreams i remember.
  8. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    This thread just made me crave some Szechaun Chicken

    Then 1/2 hr later, I'll just want to read this thread again
  9. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    in my dreams i'm not dreaming at all. i'm living and going about my life, very much awake, simply in a parallel and very different universe.

    yes the body i'm awake in here remains here. just as does the body i'm awake in there, remains there.

    thus i don't regard dreams as a different thing from life, but rather as life in a different place.

    of course i also recognize there is no direct connection between the two, other them my same self experiencing them.

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