Charles Manson

Discussion in 'Hippies' started by DrDooblittle, May 16, 2004.

  1. moon_flower

    moon_flower Banned

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    You know about Charles Manson, what the media wants you to know about Charles Manson.
    He was a very intelligent, passionate man who needs to be given respect where it is due.
    What was horrible about him? He wasn't a killer, or do you just hate him because he was able to get people to believe the way he does, feel the way he feels, and listen to his every command? He did what America tries to do now, only he succeeded, America hasn't. He was just starting a revolution, so to speak. Isn't that what you hippies are all about? Getting something done?
    Ah that's hate the ones who actually get off their asses and do something.
  2. K-Town Smackdown

    K-Town Smackdown Member

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    He deserves the chair. How can you say he was nice? When he murdered a woman who was pregnant with a baby. This bastard should get the chair, plain and simple. By the way there making a movie that features him in it. It's really stupid like the apocolypse has come and people start worshiping Charles Manson. SOmething stupid like that.
  3. moon_flower

    moon_flower Banned

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    I didn't say he was nice. He didn't murder Sharon Tate, his followers did. He should get the chair?? For what, may i ask? Getting people to do the dirty work for him? I think not.
    You come off with a lot of this apocolypse thing, man. Find something else to talk about...seriously.
  4. K-Town Smackdown

    K-Town Smackdown Member

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    Oh then if he didn't do jack shit about the murders, then why the fuck was he arrested? Hmm.....maybe cause he had something to fucking do with it! He convinced his followers to kill a pregnant woman! He too took part in it. Agree with it if you want but that is what the police say, and they are right, in this case. You know what fuck you, fuck you in the asshole with a big rubber dick, then break it off and beat you with the rest of it. By the way the apocolypse thing in my last post...I was talking about a fucking movie. Your a fucker, Charles Manson deserves the chair, and I know there are more people in the world that agree with me that he does.
  5. moon_flower

    moon_flower Banned

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    Way to take an adult approach to this, what was supposed to be, a civilized argument. Why are you harping on Tate? Only because she was pregnant? Have you even researched the Manson Family? Is the Sharon Tate murder the only one you know about?
    So, because the police tell you something, you believe it? You're a sad, strange little man.
    It's almost pathetic, your approach to making yourself seem superior, trying to sound like you know what you're talking about.
    He didn't get arrested for murder.
    Since it's obvious you have NO clue what you're talking about, why dont you research the Manson Family a bit, and THEN come argue me about it.
  6. K-Town Smackdown

    K-Town Smackdown Member

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    You are the one talking about respecting a murderer, I have taken your word and have done some research and here is what I found. Now, apparently Charles Manson thought it he was in a sense God. Should you still respect a blasphamess(sp?) man? He thought the Beatles song "Helter Skelter" and "Piggies" told him to kill others. Still deserves respect? He hanged a man(LaBianca murder case) and wrote "WAR" in his flesh. No respect? He had a theory that there would be a race war. The lyrics fit Charlie’s theory to a tee: "Look out helter skelter helter skelter helter skelter/She’s coming down fast/ Yes she is/Yes she is." Now, the racial Armageddon had a name. It was Helter Skelter. He told his followers that there world would be "There would be no one else, except for us and the black servants. He, Charles Willis Manson, the fifth angel, Jesus Christ, would then rule the world. The other four angels were the Beatles." Would you still respect this serial killer? His only verdict in the Manson case was Helter Skelter, and when the jury heard this they already knew they had a verdict. Charles Manson would've recieved the death penalty but in 1972 California abolished the death penalty, so Manson only had to serve a life sentence, which he is still doing so today.
    From doing my research, I have concluded that this man is in fact a head case and should stay locked behind bars forever. If you really feel he still deserves respect then that is your own opinion. I have done my research and my opinion still stands. He gave hippies a bad name, they were such peaceful people and he made them look like murderers. If you feel he truely needs respect you may feel that way, I however do not.
  7. DarkLunacy

    DarkLunacy Senior Member

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    The reason Chuck doesnt get out on parole is because they ask him everytime (I hear) "Do you regret killing the people you murdered" and supposidlly he says everytime (I hear) "I regret that I didn't kill enough."
  8. DarkLunacy

    DarkLunacy Senior Member

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    Ok lets do this. Say a mob boss for some reason decides to kill your entire bloodline, everyone you love (assuming such an entity exists) and has he wiseguys kill them. You just want the wiseguys to go to prison or where the command came from?
  9. moon_flower

    moon_flower Banned

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    No...he thought Helter Skelter spoke of a race war where the *blackie* would rise and Charlie would be the omni-precense.
    In his Family, he was both Satan and God. That is what his followers saw him as. They were garbage people...he took them in, and gave them a family.

    Yes, he still deserves respect. He didn't hang a man, infact...Patricia Krenwinkel was the one who butchered...not hung, Leno. And SHE carved WAR into his stomach.

    You just said that Helter Skelter told him to kill would it be a race war if HE is the only one killing??
    P.S....Helter Skelter is the war of no other. Where a man would judge himself and take it out on someone else.

    He didn't even enjoy the Beatles song. He only enjoyed/related to the message.

    Manson didn't receive the death penalty. His Family did. He just got life with possiblity of parole.

    I still give him my highest respects.
  10. moon_flower

    moon_flower Banned

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    It wouldn't bother me.
    They can go back to where the command came from...they've killed the ones i love, what more could they do??
  11. BlackVelvet

    BlackVelvet Members

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    ok, moonflower, what in the hell, if he didn't give the damn order..or asked his "followers" to kill none of these people would have been killed, or killed the way they were, why are you defending him? He doesn't need to be defended, he's evil pure and simple,..Have you ever watched an interview with him? He is a dumbfuck! So don't tell us to give him respect..he doesn't deserve shit, he thinks he is Jesus Christ, he had followers, who believed his every word.. and i can't believe someone would have the audacity to tell us on this forum to "respect" a dumbass fuckhead like that..sorry but this pisses me's not what we seen by what the media it's what he presented fuck him and fuck his respect!
  12. K-Town Smackdown

    K-Town Smackdown Member

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    Moon flower you are one sorry piece of shit. I truely feel sorry for you and your beliefs. I hope that one day you may find the way.
  13. DarkLunacy

    DarkLunacy Senior Member

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    Dude... Your either a cold hearted bastard or full of shit..... I'm posing it as a question take your pic :D
  14. TerminalMadness

    TerminalMadness Member

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    I love this board, but I'm getting pretty sick and tired of people calling other people here followers and sheep and lemmings and thinking they dont have a mind of their own.

    I won't dignify your response with an intelligent reply, I'll only say what everyone else says: Fuck you.
  15. moon_flower

    moon_flower Banned

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    To BlackVelvet:
    I'm defending his not being a murderer. And, yes, I have listened to and read many of his interviews. He's not a "dumbfuck", he's quite intelligent. I never told YOU to respect him, just give credit where credit is due. And I thouroughly enjoy your saying how big of a "dumbfuck" charlie is, when you can't think of a better argument than "he doesn't deserve shit, he thinks he's Jesus Christ, he had followers, who believed his every word..and i can't believe someone would have the audacity to tell us on a forum to "respect" a dumbass fuckhead like that..sorry but this pisses me's not what we seen by what the media it's what he presented fuck him and fuck his respect!" yowza....greatly worded there, bud!
    To K-Town Smackdown:
    You shouldn't feel sorry for me OR my beliefs. They stand true through the criticism. I've found "the way". I don't apologize for it not being the "fuck him and fuck his respect" way.
    To DarkLunacy:
    I'll take cold-hearted bastard for $1000, please.
    To TerminalMadness:
    I never expected an intelligent response from ANYONE here.
    P.S....Where were *sheep* and *lemmings* ever mentioned in this thread? You complain about noone being able to have a mind of their own, yet you so intelligently said "fuck you" to my opinion?? Someone contradicting themselves, eh??..........
  16. TerminalMadness

    TerminalMadness Member

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    That was the point you pompous moron, it's called ironny. Ever hear of it?

    Besides, I don't buy into your praising Manson; I think it's all a front to make you different from everyone else or just a ruse to ruffle people's feathers here. No sane person would admire and follow Manson.
  17. moon_flower

    moon_flower Banned

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    A nice witty comeback.

    Too bad that wasn't irony.
  18. TerminalMadness

    TerminalMadness Member

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    Listen, youngster, you win. Congratulations you just won the argument; pat yourself on the back! Now you can hold your head up and gloat. Happy now? I give up trying to argue because there's no winning when I'm arguing with ignorance.

    You don't have an original thought in your head, idiot.
  19. moon_flower

    moon_flower Banned

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    I don't need to gloat.
    Arguing with ignorance....Well aren't we the pot calling the kettle black?

    Well, Mr. Originality, all the thoughts in my head are, on the other hand, have done nothing but state EXACTLY what everyone else in this thread has stated.
  20. TerminalMadness

    TerminalMadness Member

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    ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz.... what? Oh are you still talking?

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