What will they think up next. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/24/fart-filtering-underwear_n_4156400.html
I do see something seeping out on the left side of her buttock. Not sure if I would buy this product now.
carbon IS the heaviest component in MOST polymers. i kinda thought most educated people knew this by now. when i saw the title of the tread i misread it as chocklet. now that might be sort of interesting. though i kind of doubt i'd be wearing it.
I fart all the time anyhow and don't feel ashamed. I fart. I fart loud. And I love every minute of it! :afro:
I've been seeing this thread come up periodically for the past few days, and I notice it and say to myself: "What the fuck does that even mean? Charcoal underwear??" Well now that I've finally clicked on it I don't have to wonder anymore. Anyway, I've seen this product or something similar to it in one of those airplane magazines where they try to sell you useless shit.