I seem to change my mind less as I get older. How about you? I seem to have more stable and regular patterns of thinking. I think the brain becomes less plastic in making new connections as it ages. They say mathematicians peak aged around 37. Also a lot of artists do their best work in their early years. My mind was all over the place when I was young, now it pretty much just ticks along most of the time.
I can't remember what I decided a moment ago...so...I think....maybe, sometimes..... What were we talking about?
In teenagers hormones are really active, which may influence their mind changing as well. For most fields and ideas, there are only so many ways you can approach it before you decide you either agree with it or not. I'm sure I could read Descartes' Meditations on First Philosophy again and learn some new things I didn't know before but I doubt my understanding and agreement with the phrase "I think therefore I am" is going to change much.
My opinions and things change on a daily basis I cannot control. So erratic. So out there. So fucked up up. So much fun.
I think I try to examine all sides of a matter more now than I did when I was younger, but I am less likely to change my mind on a whim now. If I change my mind now it is because I really deliberated over it
takes a damd good reason. willing if given one. that is, one that has a convincing ton of evidence to back it up. but then, i frequently refuse to make it up, without a convincing amount one way or the other to begin with. and i do reserve the right to avoid assumptions in the absence there of. (although i have been known to voice, but not act upon, tenative or conditional conclusions, that i'm later thankful for having left open the option to change)
Yes, I've had major philosophical transformations throughout my life. It's how we grow as people. I've had 2 or 3 major Red Pill moments in the last 10 years
If you're still stuck on matrix scenarios about taking the red pill, y'all probs ain't grown up too much bro.
Yeah i dont get why musicians in particular seem to all suck when it comes to songwriting past about mid 30s Can you thimk of anyone that had like more hits in their 50s than when they were in their 20s?
It's not that you change your mind less as you get older... It's that you can't remember what you originally thought.
I recommend The Brain series by David Eagleman and/or the book he wrote about the same stuff: Incognito It covers a lot of interesting stuff, including how what we're learning in neuroscience should cause a radical reformation of the criminal justice system. But in relation to this thread, there are many interesting things about the brain as we age. Brain plasticity does not decrease unless you let it, at least not to such a large degree. Not changing your mind can be a sign of a self awareness and a positive thing, OR it could mean a person isn't open to new ideas and continued learning, which I view as negative.