Do you accept it well and are excited about it Or Do you not like it and want everything to remain the same Change, not in your pocket
You have shift within yourself and you have to wear that whether you like it or not. You have to get up and go through all kinds of change, whether you want to or not doesn't matter.
i have to like change. i work with a bunch of old people who refuse to accept that everything isn't exactly like it was in 1980, so it's kind of my job to convince them that just because something was done wrong in the past, does not mean that it has to be done wrong forever.
What a vague question. You won the's your dream house. Yay, embrace change. Your family member is dead...huge change. Not good. Most change the is forced upon us anyways is uncomfortable.. So, to simplify things- I don't typically like change but oftentimes the overall changes the occur after I'm forced to endure change I love for many, many years. (It's an uncomfortable but good thing.)
totally depends on what it is that's changing. i mean everything changes all the time. usually so incrementally you don't notice. but it does. that's just life and reality. some people love it. some people hate it. i know. what i really love about this universe is that it doesn't give a dam whether people love it, hate it, or could care less themselves either. i hate it when people are killed for being honest with themselves, or just wanting everything to be mellow. and i worry about people who hate honesty coming to power, which this year's congressional elections in the u.s. seem to have been all about. the way it goes, the lots of things i'd like to see change, seem to change a lot slower and less often, then the few things i wouldn't mind if they were to stabilize a wee bit.
I usually leave the pennies in the cup by the register. The rest goes into a huge jug my kids started years ago. I really hate having a pocket full of change.
Change and adapting to that really often depends on why there is a change. Once that is my choice I tend to adapt to easily. If it is a forced change sometimes not so easily.
there are lots of things it would be good to change, and lots of ways they can be changed for the better. there are also things worth keeping, and even things nearly lost it would be good to revive. but good or bad, change is a fact of life, however much anyone loves or hates it.
Cultural change I accept fairly well, even embrace it at times. In my personal life, I like stability. I do less well with change there.
I hate it because 99% of the time ITS WORSE THAN WHAT YOU HAVE!!!!! CHANGE SUCKS...... IT REALLY DOES.......