Change in visual perception, i feel like i'm loosing colors

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by FunkyTrip, Feb 10, 2014.

  1. FunkyTrip

    FunkyTrip Member

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    Hello, SWIM have a little problem. SWIM can add as this happened to SWIM before, when SWIM was really dumb and took about 5-6 Blue David Stars X's.
    And after that colors were much less colorful for few months.
    Now this happened again, but SWIM only smoked weed, took some speed , 4mmc , and some 2ce in last 2 months. Is that caused because of drugs?
    SWIM can add that he play a lot of video games and sit on his PC many h a day.
    This is very annoying. SWIM love colours, and they seem to be much weaker and darker...

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