Chakras – What Do We Really Know?

Discussion in 'Yoga and Meditation' started by beyondtheastral, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    Over 20 years ago I went to a talk on Chakras by a respected individual, during the talk I asked “Have you ever seen a Chakra” he stated he had not and the descriptions were common knowledge transmitted by gurus and clairvoyants, I got a similar answer for the number of petals. If you do a web search on Chakras you will get over 20 Million hits and believe the majority of sites are just repeating what they have been told or read elsewhere.

    Does anybody have any input on this?
  2. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    i guess it might depend on the source and context, could be they are describing something figuratively?
  3. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    Could well be
    My question was quite vague to get a wide range of answers. To me it is important that if a person wants to be labelled as an authority in any area then they should have firsthand knowledge and not textbook information.
  4. rocky24

    rocky24 Members

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    Chakras are not a real thing it is just imagination. We all know that we can't see air but feel it similarly when activate kundalini chakra we acts as an extra ordinary person.
  5. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    So what I and others have seen and felt - is imagination.

    What do you mean by kundalini chakra
  6. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    what exactly have you seen?

    feeling is obviously subjective so everyone might have felt something diffrent than you.
  7. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    I have seen crown chakra, throat and solar plexus. The throat and solar plexus were a close resemblance to the images as presented by CW Leadbeater. Certainly feeling is subjective
  8. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I have seen colored auras of chakras.

    I have also seen how the energy they emit affects a pendulum held over them.
  9. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    Good for you! This means so much more than just repeating what has been written.
  10. aesthetic

    aesthetic Z

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    Throughout history holy men have emitted a white light from their forehead. This has been recorded in nearly every tradition and culture.

    But I have never personally witnessed a "chakra"

    But then again, I never seen the president in person.
  11. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    dude, you are saying you saw something amazing.

    do you know how amazing it is that you saw chakras? it would turn western medicine on its head! it would litterally shock the world. it would probably be one of the greatest discoveries of human kind! i cant even exaggerate how amazing this would be.

    but both of you only wrote one line about it. one tiny line to describe the greatest discovery ever? i believe that you guys can do much better than that!

    if you dont mind, i humbly request that you describe in as much detail as possible what it was that you saw, where you saw it, and under what conditions?
    and i invite anyone else who has seen chakras to do the same.
    1 person likes this.
  12. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    as true as that may be, i find it suspicious that when modern technology came into existence, like photography or video recording, there has been no recording of holy men emitting white light from their forehead.

    i don't mean to offend anyone here, just asking common sense questions that i think any sane person would ask.
  13. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    I certainly believe we have to use some discrimination common sense – it is important we don’t blindly follow what has been written.
    [SIZE=11pt]If we meditate this is reflected in our aura, certainly for those who have had their third eye opened – those with auric vision can testify to this.[/SIZE]
  14. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    There is probably a lot I could write – please bear in mind it is important that you witness yourself instead of just believing what we say.

    I have witnessed chakras whilst using a Kundalini mantra and move the energy around.
    I have witnessed and gone through the “thousand petal lotus” during a light and sound initiation.

    One important factor to keep in mind is that some people do get a lot of visuals (not me!) this in no way correlates to meditation ability (I use to wonder what I was doing wrong!)
  15. aesthetic

    aesthetic Z

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    No of course, all very realistic approaches.


    This is purely speculative, but due since the creation of these technologies; people have been occupied, adventure is now an unrealistic theater. The oppression of belief systems have become more common, etc.. The more technologically Dependant we get, the less intuitive and mystical we get. In summary, perhaps the creation of technology has literally captured most of the magic in the world. I speak in rhetoric.


    I used that as a point of saying that; if everyone says the sky is blue, and the sky is blue when you look at it. The sky must be blue, correct?

    If all of these prophets and men of god who ascertained that which I don't understand. Then perhaps [we / I ] just don't understand.

    In other news...

    The Dalai lama has testified to this boys educational practice.
    He has not eaten or drank water in 6 years....
  16. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    I would not believe "He has not eaten or drank water in 6 years..." without independent documentation - fyi states of consciousness have nothing to do with ability, knowledge, morals etc.
  17. aesthetic

    aesthetic Z

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    Neither would I, but...

    Dalai lama.

    I figured this would open the limits of the thread, if this kid can do this.... Wtf else can we do..... Chakra's to him are probably old pieces to a puzzle.
  18. IMjustfishin

    IMjustfishin Member

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    my whole life i have wanted to actually see something like this, unfortunately it has not happened yet :(

    just to clarify, when you say that you witnessed chakras and the thousand petal lotus, do you mean that you saw it in your mind, like while meditating, or do you mean that you actually saw it in real life?

    if someone wanted to witness what you have witnessed, what would you suggest?

    is it something that anyone can do, or is it an acquired skill that must be practiced for a long time, or is it only visible to some people?

    lastly, same question i asked deadringer, why do you think this phenomenon has never been documented on film?
  19. Moonglow181

    Moonglow181 Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    I don;t see people's chakras, but my instincts never fail me on who someone really is.
  20. beyondtheastral

    beyondtheastral Member

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    >>my whole life i have wanted to actually see something like this, unfortunately it has not happened yet :(
    Well as stated earlier One important factor to keep in mind is that some people do get a lot of visuals (not me!) this in no way correlates to meditation ability, so please don’t think you are doing anything wrong!

    >>just to clarify, when you say that you witnessed chakras and the thousand petal lotus, do you mean that you saw it in your mind, like while meditating, or do you mean that you actually saw it in real life?
    Good question – they were observed from a point of stillness whilst meditating the observation was processed by my mind.

    >>If someone wanted to witness what you have witnessed, what would you suggest?
    You would probably get to observe or become aware of the Chakras by using a Kundalini system – bear in mind the is a lot of BS out there – I know I was misled several times – so a good question to ask is what can I expect to see and how long will it take – if you can’t get clear answer move on!
    I have used a Kundalini mantra to get some deep insights in the energy.
    Next you could get initiated into Light and Sound meditation (and by that I don’t mean wasting time with groups that hand out a few sanskrit mantras to meditate on)

    >>is it something that anyone can do, or is it an acquired skill that must be practiced for a long time, or is it only visible to some people?
    I will use a simple analogy - we are all crystals cut a in a unique manner and the energy moves through us all differently - so some people very easily see the subtle energies. Using the systems I have mentioned you will find out if you have abilities in this area.

    Something to consider you could spend a lot effort to develop these abilities - is it worth it - there is far more than chakras!

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