Chakra Meditation and Meaningful Journeys

Discussion in 'LSD - Acid Trips' started by elainajeansonne, Jan 9, 2008.

  1. elainajeansonne

    elainajeansonne Member

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    If you want to have a meaningful experience try chakra meditation. It involves visualizing light in different parts of your body to balance you chakras. I have been trying to find things to do that are spiritual and meaningful and this is good one. Any kind of meditation really. Also it is helpful to use the candles for the different chakras and possibly incense, just don't overload your senses. Any other ideas for a meaningful experience?
  2. rygoody

    rygoody Senior Member

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    go sit in a pitch black room without any light whatsoever
    Like put a towel under the door, tape over any little LED's
    preferably a windowless room
    if the area isnt quiet enough, put in some ear plugs
    make yourself stay in their for a good hour without moving


    RELAYER mādhyamaka

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    If you are getting into yoga, which is what chakra meditation is called, try to memorize the names, locations, and purposes of the charkas so that you can place your consciousness into each one at the same time, illuminating and rebalancing all of them at once. This will enable a much greater energy to flood your mind with liquid light :)
  4. neodude1212

    neodude1212 Senior Member

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    hmm that's interesting b/c ever since they don't allow waterboarding to be performend on inmates in those offshore camps, what you are describing is their new form of "torture".

    they take the prisoner and completely block all his senses and just put him in a room with no one. after about a day or two they come out and willing to talk to anybody, which makes them most likely to spill the beans on stuff they know. I guess if you were forced to do something like this and you couldn't get out whenever you wanted that it would probably freak you out a little bit.
  5. mara-aum

    mara-aum Member

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    this sounds similar to a spell i sometimes do. i call it "change your life spell".

    i set up an altar with any deity that i'm resonating with at the time--i make it really pretty. then i take coloured candles, 1 for each chakra. i get high, meditate and write out my chakras, what they represent in health and what life area do they represent. i write out an intention for each. then i charge & light each candle visualizing myself living out that ideal--then in front of the altar i do a major yoga session while listening to kirtan (music & song with chanting to the holies)

    its been years since i've done one of those spells. its a very powerful catalyst for change. RAPID change.

    RELAYER mādhyamaka

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    Mara, are you involved with raising the Kundalini at all? (I mean, Kundalini Devi manifests our consciousness, so MORE involved!) Because the energy I am referring to that illuminates from the crown chakra and gives the golden aura is Kundalini, Im just wondering how many of you are aware of this because many of you seem to be interested if not practicing yoga and meditation, and the word chakra is thrown around the forums and I dont know if its generally being thrown around loosely or comprehensivley, at all. The nadi system is detrimental to spiritual and physical health, and the chakra is basically the cullmination of the more subtle passageways, and it seems people are just jumping into chakra balance without living the lifestyle of balance that, in order for healing to begin, is required.
  7. mara-aum

    mara-aum Member

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    oh yeah--from my simple understanding (because i had a kundalini experience first before i ever studdied it-and it SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME by the way lol-i studdied it AFTER the fact (i wish i knew this stuff before) ANYWAY...the way i get it, its like a furnace...building up life energy that then goes through every chakra. for me, each chakra represents areas of my health/life. each chakra has foods that benefit it, lifestyle changes that helps energy flow through them. most of my chakra education i must admit came from psychedelic use (shrooms & meditation) --i stuuddied a few books just to confirm the insights givin--but haven't read at length on it.

    i know kundalini has to be can send you off the deep end i'm told. i use yoga as way to prepare my body for meditation, to keep theenergy centres balanced and prana flowing through me deeply--meaning removal of blockages.

    RELAYER mādhyamaka

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    "Yah Devi sarva bhuteshu,
    vishnumayeti shabditaa
    Namastasyai, namastasyai,
    namastasyai namoh namaha"
    - Krsna Das
    (This goddess, who in all things, exists as
    the very form of God.
    I bow to you, I bow to you, I bow to you,
    again and again.)
  9. Share the Warmth

    Share the Warmth Member

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    What did you mean when you mentioned the lifestyle of balance? Is it a common sense thing, exactly as it sounds, or is there something else?

    RELAYER mādhyamaka

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    Hey friend :)
    It is part common sense of course, such as subscribing to nonviolence, only speaking truth, thinking no impure or negative thoughts, meditation on several matters, leaving as little impact on life as possible, eating only healthy foods, practicing yoga sadhana to keep the body and mind in top phsycial shape, etc.
    But if you want the real, detailed descriptions, check out the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali!
    namaste -
  11. zoc

    zoc Member

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    I have been using this video to help with my chakra meditation. I was wondering if this is a good technique or am I missing something? The video spends about 2mins / chakra, do you increase the time as you progress? I’m curious to hear how others do it.
  12. Share the Warmth

    Share the Warmth Member

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    Thank you Relayer. It is the thinking impure or negative thoughts that troubles me the most. I've always enjoyed making other people feel good about themselves and I've tried to be loving and selfless in my actions, especially towards strangers, but since childhood my mind has always conjured up these dark and twisted visuals. The first time I smoked really good pot I was reminded of this, and the last two acid trips I've had were agonizingly nightmarish.

    These thoughts seem to come on their own accord and when I try to imagine a successful outcome to an action, such as accomplishing a goal, my imagination will cut in with a negative, extremely pessimistic "movie" of the worst of what could happen.

    It's like when I try to pull myself in a positive direction, my mind will snap in the opposite direction.

    These thoughts aren't always present but they happen often and I notice them more (and the bodily tension they produce) when I'm high.

    One thing that's helped me feel better is embracing this dark part of me by accepting these thoughts, as the tension is removed to a large degree, but my fear is that doing this will make these thoughts more acceptable to my mind and the end result will be more of them.

    Is accepting them the right thing to do? I'm leaning in that direction but I admire your wisdom so I will take any response you give me to heart.

    RELAYER mādhyamaka

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    I believe accepting them for what they are, as miscreations conjured up by the creative power of the mind, is the only approach! Thoughts are not reality they are just miscreations, and when unwelcome dark images appear in the mind, first you have to learn to not give them the power to disturb you, then you have to just brush them away like the dirt that they are.
    And I admire you for being honest on this subject my friend, since childhood I have also been plagued by horrible, vile, disgusting negative fantasies and mental images, of which I could do nothing about. I think my 'OCD' had much to do with this as well, feelings of having to think these thoughts or I will become anxious and incomplete. They have subsided tremendously since I moved towards God and I am thankful for this. But every now and then doring times of inactivity, I start to have unspeakable evil images pour into my consciousness. And I mean UNSPEAKABLE! But they are not real and thought doesnt originate from the mind, I feel that we are just allowing both positive and negative thoughts images drift down from the manas plane. "The thought dawned on me"..."The thought came to me"... thoughts are not our own, of this Im sure!
  14. Share the Warmth

    Share the Warmth Member

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    I'm happy to hear I'm not alone, but I'm not happy that you've had to go through the same stuff. Yeah, unspeakable, or otherworldy is how I'd describe them.

    I also had OCD when I was growing up, but it was never diagnosed and I never told anyone at the time. I would scrunch my toes whenever there was a moment of quiet, for as many times as I could before someone spoke up and when I'd ride in a car I would place my fingers on the rolled down window and "jump" my hand over the traffic that would pass by my view.

    I think it's interesting, the connection between ocd and these intrusive thoughts and images. I'm interested in the idea of thoughts falling from some higher plane, into our heads. It does feel like that sometimes.

    Thanks again.
  15. killuminati

    killuminati Member

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    i wouldn't be too sure of that
  16. Lief Erickson

    Lief Erickson Member

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    I have always been intrigued by meditationg and things of this nature. Wheres a good place to start for someone who is interested. What you all are talking about sounds cool.

    RELAYER mādhyamaka

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    Just try sitting on the floor, cross leg style, put your hands in your lap palms upward, keep your head straight, close your eyes, and turn off your connection to your body and senses. Naturally, over time, you will find the place that everyone trying yoga and meditation are looking for, yet so few have the self discipline to persevere. -
  18. danyul

    danyul Members

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