Object: Enter the title of a song which begins with the last letter or number (the digit) in the title of the previous song. Examples: 1) Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin 2) Nights in White Satin - The Moody Blues Rules: The first letter in the song title must start with the last letter or number in the previous song title. You may repeat a song title only if the artist is different..ie: there are many versions of "Louie Louie." This makes it a little harder. So please indicate the artist/groups name. You do not have to boldface the last/first letters. "A" or "The" in the song title can be either ignored or used. Any musical genre is game,whether its rock,pop,classical,gospel,hip-hop,country,New Age,world,jazz,etc. Just be sure the song title/artists name is clear of any forum-banned words. Any song title ending with "X" won't count so try to avoid it. There just arent too many songs that begin with "X". (Ah man!!) Please contain your enthusiasm by posting only one song at a time and wait one post before posting again. See exception below. Exception to the above is if you post a song title that starts and ends with the same letter,you can immediately post again. (Ah a bonus you say) --------------------------------------- I'll start with this song Never Can Say Goodbye - The Jackson Five E