CBD is a medicinal compound present in both hemp and marijuana . It is soluable in alchohol . I harvest the hemp locally as it grows wild , taking the root and flowers . Fill a quart jar to half with dried and crushed plant material , then fill with an alchohol product . Could be moonshine if you like , but I'll use vodka . Also , I will make a topical solution with rubbing alchohol . After a week , the brew is strained and the medicine bottled . It assists the good-functioning of nerves . Injested casually , as like to get half-drunk and sleepy , it makes my dreams lucid , vivid ... even unto moral clarity . My father uses a dropper-full daily with a mind to healing a mysterious blood disorder for which his doctor can recommend no therapy . CBD is given for epilepsy . The University of Iowa has initiated a new study on it .
interesting........people are saying the topical use of weed oil is curing some types of skin cancer.i'm looking forward to more study and discovery
I grow strains with high cdb content. There are many commercial topically administered preparations available in the stores or dispensaries here.
i'd appreciate any opinions on what I am doing . pa has been surviving his disorder with frequent blood transfusions . he has just reported his last visit to the doc didn't require one . the analysis/reports on hemp cbd are conflicting and confounding . the plants I am harvesting are a 1940's variety . since pa's report I've gone to the road ditch and gotten a bit more which is now gently drying . gentle must be my way , with the hope of having a free and gentle medicine .
I hear people swear by it to the point of curing just about everything. do pretty much the same thing hanging in a smokehouse I lean to natural remedy with the understanding that our lives are a series of sensations some which we call pleasant or some not so or maybe we just grunt about it or not regardless we do or don't.
I am thinking (conservatively) that it may be for the best to allow the extract to remain in the solution rather than evaporate my solvent (alcohol) with heat . It appears the commercial suppliers make a reduction and then suspend the extract in oil . $$$$ ?
More effective concentrated in oil. Alcohol evaporates slowly at room temperature. Alcohol applied to skin removes essential oils from it drying skin. http://www.hightimes.com/read/rick-simpsons-hemp-oil-medicine Heat below 290 degrees speeds up process.