Caught short

Discussion in 'Bare It! Nudism and Naturism' started by bbw-lover71, Jun 23, 2023.

  1. bbw-lover71

    bbw-lover71 Members

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    With all the issues during the lockdown with public toilets being closed, and there being people involved in "wild weeing" I was wondering if any one here did that and if they still do?
  2. Josephinelcajon

    Josephinelcajon Joseph

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    Here in America, I am not aware of this. Our bathrooms were always open but had air dryers and every other urinal was closed. We did have a BIG problem say 10 years ago in California where many caught urinating outside was being charged as a sex offender. Thankfully that has greatly eased up.
    Joe90 and NudistTed like this.

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