Apparently the region of Catalonia in Spain wants to become an independent state in its own right. main articles: what do you make of this? i know they have some bad history between them, but is it really that bad?
Catalonia is not an independent state. as an independent state it is not in the EU. Spain is in the EU, and by definition all districts belonging to Spain. if Catalonia secedes from Spain they are no longer part of Spain, ergo they are no longer in the EU. i don't even know if Catalonia wants to be a member of the EU, or the Schengen for that matter, or NATO, take your pick. it amounts to essentially isolating yourself completely and starting from zero up. it will take a lot of time or alternatively acquiring some sort of legal standing to their actions, for anybody to take that seriously. in 2013: quotes from:,_2014#International_reactions