Casual Family Nudity

Discussion in 'Bare It! Nudism and Naturism' started by Elaine555, Apr 18, 2009.

  1. Omar El Cubano

    Omar El Cubano Member

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    Well Elaine its good to know that you have no prob with your daughters Hoe-ing around like that.
    Moms everywhere should learn from you.
    Alonso376 likes this.
  2. the_erect_one

    the_erect_one Member

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    What is the status now ?
  3. Rezzano

    Rezzano Member

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    After reading some of this thread, I feel as if I missed out during my childhood. My parents were very conservative and if they had caught me naked in the house they would have just about had me institutionalized!

    A couple of summers ago, my 19 year old cousin (very shy kid) was visiting and stayed at my home for a few days. As I'm a full time nudist and I didn't know where he was going to stand on the issue, I made the commitment prior to his arrival to clothe myself while he was visiting. After he arrived, we had a discussion about lifestyles during which I shared with him that I was a nudist and that I usually spend my time at home naked. He seemed embarrassed, but he was happy to let me be naked while he was there. It wasn't more than a few hours later that he had got the courage to go naked as well - but he had an erection virtually the entire time. He was embarrassed about it at first, but after a couple of days, he got comfortable around me.
  4. giraffegoat

    giraffegoat Guest

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    how were you nude without exposing your genitals
  5. jac045

    jac045 Member

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    I got erections ''most'' of the time because I was not used to being naked around the home.

    My parents are casual now seeing me nude
  6. scottwilliamsonoc

    scottwilliamsonoc Member

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    Let him do what makes him comfortable. Once he figures out what his body is doing, maybe he will come less shy.

    When I was growing up, nudity in the family pool was norm with my parents, brother and sister. But once my sister starting going through puberty, my mom put a stop to it because she did not want her two teenage sons to start looking at their sister naked. O well.
    Alonso376 likes this.
  7. junglejack

    junglejack aiko aiko

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    I gotta tell ya- if I had daughters and they were doin this shit in the basement- Id fuckin throw em all out with the blindfolds around the dudes necks - what kind of behavoir is blindfold cock sucking for 2 -16 yr olds?. You cant be seroius- This sound like weird penthouse forum letter, that I used to read 40 yrs ago- -jeezus
  8. Abbey317

    Abbey317 Members

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    I'm a 34 year old Mom with 3 kids. 2 boys, 12 and 16 and a girl 14. At the beginning of summer my daughter announced that she'd like to go naked at home and asked our permission. We ultimately said ok. She asked if I would do it too and I thought what the heck, I have no hangups about being naked. Since she and I are naked 100% of the time. At first my sons had some obvious 'reactions' to seeing me and their sister naked, but that is pretty much under control now. The boys have had a few friends over from time to time and we don't bother covering up. My daughter has a friend who visited and thought it so neat that we went nude and asked if she could take her clothes off when she was here. We told her she was welcome to go naked too. My husband and I think this is a natural, comfortable and healthy way to live, nothing to be ashamed of. Photo of me below if it works.

    Attached Files:

    joker69, Alonso376, bry75 and 2 others like this.
  9. Chris Bigger

    Chris Bigger Visitor

    I raised my daughter as a nudist from age 10, and it was just the 2 of us. When she had friends over we did the same thing. most of her friends had no issue to strip down with us, and one boy friend that did the same. Was just a very common thing in our house.
  10. nudistguyny

    nudistguyny Senior Member

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    With a swimming pool in a secluded back yard nudity just came normal. Out of the house into the pool. Skinny dipping was the norm between us. And with some of the friends of ours. It was never a big deal.
    bill697cu, jdwnyc75 and NudistTed like this.
  11. soulcompromise

    soulcompromise Member HipForums Supporter

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    I think there are websites about this, but I didn't think Hip Forums was one... *facepalm*
  12. Alonso376

    Alonso376 Members

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    But you'd like to.
  13. Alonso376

    Alonso376 Members

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    Maybe you should invite a guy friend round one night so he can stare at your mam.
  14. Alonso376

    Alonso376 Members

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    Your son is most probably worried or anxious of getting an erect penis in front of you or your daughters thinking it's wrong. He probably just needs a little talk that it isn't wrong.
    Barry Thrift likes this.
  15. NudeDavid19

    NudeDavid19 Banned

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    Best to have a heart to heart with him and tell him how the penis is a wonderful and wild organ, and it's ok to be proud of it, but it's not something you should show off. Conversely, if he is embarrassed about being erect, maybe tell him he can go to his room until he "calms down". ;-)
  16. teast394

    teast394 Members

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    Not a Japanese way but we do bath with the kids, that's no less modest than walking around the house. It's a good way for boys to hide or sometimes calm an erection too.
    NEVERENDS likes this.
  17. nldn

    nldn Senior Member

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    It's a common fear amongst boys and young men when first the opportunity to sunbathe or be naked about the house comes about. Sitting cross legged or just going to the toilet so he does not have a full bladder can help. It was also a fear of boys when showering after sport.
  18. Alonso376

    Alonso376 Members

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    Love it.
  19. Alonso376

    Alonso376 Members

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    Awesome. Your husband and sons need a little persuasion to join in.
  20. Alonso376

    Alonso376 Members

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    Mom is jealous, lol.
    joker69 likes this.
  21. Calmerchameleon

    Calmerchameleon Members

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    Great topic! I have a confession to make. I am a bit of a closet nudist. I was brought up by strict, conservative parents that would be mortified by the thought of being seen naked by one of their children. TVs channels would be changed when any nudity came on the screen. This was the 'norm' for us.

    However, we had some great neighbours, 3 houses down, who were kinda modern day hippies and naturally, nudists. They had 2 daughters about my age and they welcomed me into their home like I was one of their own. Naturally, they were all naked in their own home and clothed outside of it and this was a bit of a culture shock for me. While I was very curious initially and asked lots of questions, I was about 8 at the time, it soon just became natural being around them. I'd like to point out very very clearly that I was never naked in front of them. I always stayed in their house fully clothed with them naked. Sadly a couple of years later, we moved away from the area and never saw them again but this family left a deep impression on me.

    I can't stress enough, this was in no way a sexual thing. The strongest memory for me was just how warm and close the family were and how natural they were around each other. This made the deepest impression.

    Now back to the modern day, I'm now married with children. My wife, like me, has also had a very formal upbringing but has a lot of hangups about her body, nudity and sexuality in general. So while I have brought up the subject, she baulks at the idea. I would never expect her to do anything that she'd be uncomfortable with so we have an understanding.

    Over the years of marriage, she's softening to the idea. When we first holidayed where there was a nudist beach, I told my wife is like to try it. Initially there was some trepidation and resistance. She was questioning if it was a sexual thing but after some reassurance that is absolutely wasn't, she relaxed a little. I think that's the biggest issue for a none nudist, is that nudity as ALWAYS associate with sex when it just not the case. I think it's really difficult for a none nudist to separate the nudity from the sexuality.

    Now, when we go to a clothes optional beach, I'd be happy getting naked and my wife would now go topless. Baby steps.

    The kids? The kids would usually be at Grandma's
    beachwalker and NudistTed like this.

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