Castration Cult In Orthodoxy

Discussion in 'Philosophy and Religion' started by Didi, Sep 18, 2015.

  1. Didi

    Didi Members

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    I would be eager to know, how Dr. Freud would commented upon clearly anti-sexual policy of extreme Christianity adepts - Russian Scoptzy (Skoptsy) - in fact voluntary eunuchs.
    In 21th century when the idea of male enhancement is gaining momentum, the very notion of self-castration seems incredible. But the matter was radically different in 18th. The followers of Kondratiy Selivanov , who lived at the turn of XVIII and XIX centuries, believed that salvation could be achieved only through voluntary castration - оскопление - oskoplenie. They practiced two types of castration: Small seal- for men it meant cutting off the testicles, being considered as top evil, for women - scorching of the nipples or cutting the extreme part of breast; Czar or the great seal - men were to cut off the testicles and virile member as well. Women had to excise labia major (often also labia minor) and clitoris.
    There is a smart hypothesis that an inconceivable idea of removal the testicles was a result of compulsory introduction of potato cultivation by Russian authorities. Weird as may seem to you, potato tubers due to irrational logic were considered by some branches of Orthodoxy to be the devil's eggs or even forbidden fruit itself.
    Also the Skoptzys believed that after Adam and Eve had eaten forbidden fruit, it shaped their breast and testicles. They declared the female beauty as the chief evil, physical act of love between man and women being considered as apostasy.
    In the XIX century, the number of scoptzys amounted to tens of thousands of followers -- it was a popular persuasion. Ironically as if in derision of the idea of libido advanced by Dr. Freud they occupied a fairly high position in XIX century Russian society as wealthy industrialists and merchants - They were famous as developers of the diamond mines in Yakutia. Trade of hemp and flax was the Skoptzys' monopoly as well.
    But later the lack of birth rate and the oppression of the Soviet regime led to reducing their number to a few dozen people who still have been living in remote locations of the Caucasus
  2. TheGhost

    TheGhost Auuhhhhmm ...

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    Religious freaks will do loads of stupid things.

    They will also probably get us all killed.
  3. Didi

    Didi Members

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    To be just killed is not the worst way out: EG. the activists of ISIS bury people alive, rape women before killing them and thrust crosses in the throats of the Christian priests
  4. Okiefreak

    Okiefreak Senior Member

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    The Skoptsky movement was partly a result of a couple of unfortunate translation errors. In Genesis, God commands humans to be fruitful (plodites), but Selivanov misread it as plotites (castrate yourselves). Likewise, while Jesus is called the Redeemer (Iskupitel), Selivanov translated it as Oskopitel (Castrator). Beware of Biblical literalists with poor language skills!
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