Yea, seriously. What's up with that? So, I was gonna throw out most of my mail today- most all of it looked like junk mail. But I opened this one larger envelope from Nielsen-- I suppose that is the people who conduct the surveys for the main tv ratings (that is what I am understanding anyways).... So, anyways, I open it up about about midnight tonight as I'm sitting on the couch beside Dan-who had fallen asleep. Don't even know why I decided to open it as I was just going to throw it out.. but, I did and I look in between pieces of paper really quick and I see a bunch of dollar bills. Wasn't sure how many at first but I wake up D by being all loud- "whoa, there is money in my junk mail!"... So, yea, it was 5 one dollar bills. Obviously no big deal. But I didn't know companies such as that were in the habit of sending any money what so ever to people who haven't even done anything for it yet (meaning, in this case I didn't fill out any surveys yet...)- actually I wasn't even chosen yet to be one of the people who answer questions for their rating system. It says in the paperwork that the five bills are for me filling out what basically is a demographic survey for their selection process for the actual surveys. It's only 14 questions- how many TV's do you have, what kind of shows do you watch, your age, race, do you speak Spanish, do you have a dvr, a cell phone, etc. So, yea, five dollars is five dollars. It's a thing of coffee for the week So, that made me happy. I'm simple like that sometimes. Makes me wonder what they pay you if you qualify to fill out the actual tv surveys... And also gets me thinking I should start opening my junk mail more often. Who knows how much cash I've unknowingly thrown out!
thanks. well, if you get something in the mail from Nielsen about a tv survey, there may be money in it. haha. exactly.
Well, you know... it's only 5 bucks after all. But I found it surprising in a good way. Usually junk mail is quite boring and does nothing for me.
I've completed one of those dang surveys before (several years ago). lol They roped me in with the 5 ones too. :2thumbsup: If I remember right, and I think I do, they sent me another 5. yay Those surveys are keep track of EVERY SINGLE tv watching minute of the day for 1 or 2 weeks.
yeah there is one I used to belong to, every time I would send it in, Id get another one with a dollar in it.
how many other people are imagining her going through all the neighbourhood mailboxes before they wake up?
Hey I want one of those things! That way I can write really big on it "NETFLIX." Haha. We only turn on the broadcast television if there are storms going on usually.
It's alright, worth the $10 a month, I think. They're kind of slow at putting up new movies and new episodes of stuff, but there's normally a pretty decent selection of both anyway. They'll keep a show or a movie on there for a time and you can watch it as often as you like. No commercials. But every now and then they'll dump stuff in favor for new stuff, so it's kind of like a roulette as far as movies go anyway. Usually the more popular TV shows stick around, except in the case where they ended their contract with Viacom and lost all their shows (Nickelodeon shows and South Park were the ones I noticed disappeared). But that sort of thing doesn't happen often. Still worth the $10 a month for me. I really liked Hulu for the time we had it, too, and I'd still have it if our TV had an app for it.
I got rid of cable a long time ago, and went with hulu and netflix instead. I don't watch a whole lot of tv anyway, so it was worth the switch. The only thing that's inconvenient is having to go out to watch sports.
Yeah, I haven't had t.v. for about 6 years, but a friend of mine really wanted me to watch several years worth of a t.v. series so I was thinking of doing Netflix because it has the particular show.
I think the first month is free if I'm not mistaken, even if not, you pay at the beginning of your month and can stop payment at anytime. It'd be worth the $10 to check it out.
I can rarely find anything on Netflix, but I'm old so the new TV shows don't interest me, same for most movies. So mostly it's TCM or You Tube for older stuff.
Oh snap. Stupid me didn't even think of that idea... which is what I SHOULD have been doing the day I received the survey.... hmmm...maybe some people didn't check their mail on Saturday and I still have time. Yeah, true. But I'd rather do the surveys and receive money for it... I mean, if people are gonna know things about me, at least pay me for it, right? :2thumbsup: