Carly Fiorina Is In - Should She Be?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by walkoflife, May 5, 2015.

  1. walkoflife

    walkoflife Some Assembly Required Super Moderator

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    Well, the GOP side of the presidential race just got interesting.

    Ex-Hewlett Packard quarterback Carly Fiorina has jumped into the presidential cesspool - but with Carly, I think there could be something special. Of course, she'll still follow some hidden agenda as they all do, but it appears she's got a pretty good angle at what our country needs - well, at least on paper.

    I'm wondering if she should actually waste her intelligence on budgets and other crises. Seems like a waste of talent.
  2. sunfighter

    sunfighter Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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  3. walkoflife

    walkoflife Some Assembly Required Super Moderator

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    Well, the fact her ex-employer hates her is fractional - the fact she's got millions to throw behind herself is perhaps more important. I'm sure many Silicon execs will back her, too, just because that's how rich folks roll.
  4. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    She's a female Romney. But she has more valid and valuable experience than Hillary by a substantial margin. Hillary is good at the game but as Secretary of State she has proven she's not so good at the actual job. She delegates everything and doesn't follow up until it's too late to fix.

    What's interesting to watch though is how the democrats have only a bunch of "old white people" running while the evil white chauvinist republicans are running a VERY diverse lot this time around. I see it as a knee-jerk reaction with the usual GOP delay. They should have done this in 2012 if they were serious.

    I look forward to the debates this campaign season. It's going to be intense. Time to dust off the shot glasses for my favorite drinking game, "Cheap Shots" (take a shot, or toke every time a candidate takes a cheap shot at another).
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  5. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    She didn't get much done at HP that she should be proud of. The big Compaq merger didn't go well. She was forced out after six years. Stockholders, the board of directors, and employees were livid. That was ten years ago, and she's been spinning this as a huge success story ever since. I don't think she can milk it all the way to the White House.

    I wouldn't be proud of getting a job if I had proven later that I didn't have what it takes to hold the job. That's an embarrassment.
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  6. walkoflife

    walkoflife Some Assembly Required Super Moderator

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    That's 100% true. Of course, this statement also applies to virtually everyone sitting in plush House seats at the moment.

    I just think that Carly tried like hell to make HP work, but the actual work was outside of her wheelhouse. Give someone something they're passionate about, and perhaps she can change her fortune from embarrassment to useful.
  7. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    The HP thing is complicated. She was hired in to do exactly what she did, chop the company up, toss a bunch of people out and see which of the ones left, who feared for their jobs now, would rise to the occasion and hold the line. This is a common corporate strategy. She was in the role for a long time for such a task. And the acquisition of Compaq DID drive revenue higher. Ultimately though, she bumped heads with the good ole boys club (and the son of the company founder) and they canned her. A totally sexist move. But nobody cared because she was a republican.

    The reason she is running is because she can attack Hillary Clinton relentlessly without getting the sexist label that the other "male" candidates would get for doing the same thing. That is her role in this election. If she does a good enough job at it she probably will be rewarded with a cabinet position in the next administration when the GOP wins in 2016. She's a hired pit bull, she's not designed to actually win. Just to beat and whip Hillary from sea to shining sea. She'll probably drop out when Bill's cronies get a threat to her face.
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  8. Flagme15

    Flagme15 Members

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    She is the best that the repubs have to offer right now.
  9. walkoflife

    walkoflife Some Assembly Required Super Moderator

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    After actually doing some lengthy research this morning and reading a shitload of content from Red State to CNN, I believe this entire opinion is spot-on. It didn't dawn on me that people still hired "patsies" like Fiorina is about to become. Thanks for this insightful take, Mr. JetStoned.
  10. scratcho

    scratcho Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Simple= Republican? NO.
  11. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor the same board of directors that asked for her resignation.

    If you think she was used in the first situation, why would you think this role is any better?

    This is exactly the kind of situation that women at the executive level need to avoid like the plague. Has she learned no lessons from the past?

    Republicans constantly use conservative women and discard them when their purpose has been served. We need a term for these women that is parallel in meaning to "Uncle Tom".
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  12. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    She's gotten very wealthy in that situation, hasn't she? For some people that's what it's all about.
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  13. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Yes, but we don't have to respect that approach.
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  14. walkoflife

    walkoflife Some Assembly Required Super Moderator

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    ...and I won't.

    The reason I found her GOP entry to be somewhat 'intriguing' is for the very reasons many people have stated she shouldn't have entered - which forces me to ask why she'd enter the arena in the first place. I mean, someone is bound to put her lack of qualitative leadership on blast.
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  15. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    I never cared for the comparison. Anyone who finished the book would know that Uncle Tom was a hero. His character has been maligned by people who stopped reading when it got uncomfortable. THAT is why the book made such a fantastic impact on the country. In 1852 people didn't read a few pages and toss the book. They were too valuable. People read them several times.

    Also, the corporate world is loaded with these kinds of corporate specialists. Some are used to start a huge project up as quickly as possible. This happened when I lied my way into Spacely. They were taking in so many people I gambled that there was no way they'd waste a dime doing any actual research on anyone. Boy was I ever right.

    But Carly was hired the kick the hornet's nest and make it hurt. And she did it for millions. So, she wins as far as I can see. Has this sullied her reputation? Nope, corporate America LOVES to run a shark pit. But they know they need workers and drones too. Those become the volatile positions. As far as I can see there is no such things as a true job anymore. Companies show nearly zero loyalty for what they demand in return.
  16. Karen_J

    Karen_J Visitor

    Do you have a better term that serves the purpose?

    Do we need these people at the highest level of American politics? I say no. The office of President has nothing to do with such activities. We don't have competing national governments within the country.
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  17. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    Hah! Yea once in a while I have a moment.

    I also lived through decades of this shit. I started paying attention when Nixon stepped down. But even before that the country had adopted a policy that will ultimately break the economic back of the nation. In the mid 60s the government ramped up the meddling they were doing into our lives. It was revenge for McCarthy basically.

    Things like gay marriage might have been possible before the end of the 70s if not for the way the government started stripping the will from people. Part of this was by expanding welfare to the point families have become a dirty word and education has been hijacked by greedy political tools, like those assholes in Atlanta.

    I'm called all kinds of weird names because I have no faith in the government. I don't trust them to take care of me. I am positive that I'll be cheated out of social security. The thing is, the whole left right thing on wedge issues has been the most effective way to keep we, the American serfs, under control. It's particularly disturbing to see how the race issue has come back so hideously.

    Most of the problems we have in the US are not about how Americans treat each other. They are about how Americans are manipulated to keep the upper crust in control and comfortable. When I started working minimum wage was $1.35 per hour. In a year it went from that to $1.55 and then to $1.85. I thought I was in heaven. I even planned my whole future, right to retirement, on minimum wage. Numerically it was possible then and it would have been a decent living.

    Even that has been stolen from us. That simple, basic life.

    Ultimately, automation will render most of us obsolete. So the assholes will have to find a way to thin the herd. Perhaps, as they distribute people from tropical latitudes and dubious vaccination systems throughout the US we are seeing that need being met in an incremental fashion. A world war would be another way to cull humanity down.
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  18. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    Oh I fully agree. I didn't like Romney or Kerry either. For the same reasons. And Hillary is walking baggage for the democrats. 2016 is going to be very very unusual. Whomever wins will also be held liable for whatever provisions Obama has put into the law that start in 2017.

    It's all just a bunch of tit for tat with a gaggle of country club political turncoats playing games with all of us.
  19. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    But that's exactly what we have. Each side does its best to undo what the other did. Hillary introduced "Health Security" back in the 90s and the GOP spanked her. It has taken this long for her dream to be realized. GW Bush was pushing for social security to be partially privatized. It would have put social security under the realm of Wall Street. But it was slapped down before the primaries that produced Obama.

    Can you imagine how many people would have been screwed by GW's wealthy buddies? They are going after social security, chump change to most. I think the average now is like $1200 a month. Imagine if that's all you had and the crash that came with Obama would have wiped you out utterly. Both sides are using us as the club to beat each other over the head.

    I think some GOP asshole will win in 2016. And they will gut the ACA, halt minimum wage hikes and get us into a war with Iran. If Hillary manages to buy both sides (like Obama did with Romney) we will see a war as well. But probably on US streets. I know that's harsh, but look at the way they are stirring people up. Both sides leave the border wide open and have for all of my life so far. The thrill of cheap labor, which erodes regular pay rates as well, is too much for either side to resist.
  20. GeorgeJetStoned

    GeorgeJetStoned Odd Member

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    She's disposable and was hired for that purpose. She's going to give Hillary a very hard time. And Hillary is an easy target because she's such a greedy harpy. And I just LOVE when Bill plays dumb, it's so convincing. He's a freakin genius, only the race card surprised him or Hillary would have squashed Rookie Obama like a bug.
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